I am having a strange issue on my machine. I have not run the machine for a while, so when I went to start it up today and run a job something weird is happening. The machine jogs and moves fine with the router and vacuum off. When I push run job the router and vacuum turn on but the machine now cannot move. When I hit stop job the machine can then resume moving. Sometimes the USB disconnects sometimes it does not. I tried a different cable with no luck. Any thoughts?
Hi Boinger, move your router cable away from everything, especially the usb cable, and make sure the router and vacuum AC are on a different circuit than the control power. Earth grounding and shielding can take care of most issues like this, sometimes a cap on the home sensors are needed as well. Cheers Gary
Make sure your 24v PSU is plugged directly into the wall (not by accident plugged into your IoT relay? Its not a power strip) Also see docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Hi yes it was in the relay that was the problem. Changed it to a direct wire and its working fine now. Thanks. I had tried moving all the AC cords prior to no avail.
Great, do still see the EMI FAQ about the USB disconnects. Most likely cause for that issue. But also checkout section 4.2 of that same documentation (if you skipped over it initially)