I started to carve my first actual job on my Killerbee with Openbuilds control, using the Interface. I started the job and forgot to put the dustshoe on, so I pressed abort on the Interface. It stopped the machine, the spindle which is connected by the 0-10V was still running? A box came up on the Interface saying press OK to resume or stop to abort. But none of the buttons did anything? Seems there were only 4 side buttons lit and pressing OK or Stop did nothing? Thanks
Are you on the latest firmware (V1.51?) Otherwise EMI from the spindle can sometimes cause interference. See docs.openbuilds.com > BlackBox > EMI FAQ
Hi tried to update the firmware from the laptop going through control wizard. Connected from laptop to Interface. with an USB to USB C I choose Flash firmware and select Interface, but in the options on what version to choose, its blank ?
Hi thanks the laptop is connected to my WiFi but still the choice of versions is blank? In the end I downloaded version 1.52, it had 1.43? installed onto a USB drive and then plugged that into the Interface and flashed the firmware that way
is your version of CONTROL up to date? Any firewalls etc that could be preventing CONTROL from downloading the latest versions and binaries off Github? It grabs the latest version.txt and firmware.bin whenever CONTROL starts up: OpenBuilds-CONTROL/index.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL