can't seem to get it to move .0005 if programmed to it moves .001 is there some way to change this or is it just the DRO didn't measure it. Can the DRO be change to show 4 decimals. thanks in advance
Which UGS are you using? I just looked at my "UGS-Platform" and I only had 0.00, I cant see a way to change it either. 0.001" precision is optimistic with most hobby machines.. the DRO is just rounding on the jogs. Cheers Gary
Not sure which version as I'm away on vacation but it show's thousandths. It seems to move .0005 but I think every other 5 tenths it shows a thousandth move. I'm skim cutting a aluminum plate with get luck finally. As feed and speeds were a ***** to find the sweet spot. Without chatter.
Grbl will make the move, IF your machine has the required precision to do so. For example (using one of our machines as I don't know what you have) LEAD1010: uses TR8*2 Leadscrew. 8mm pitch per rotation Our motors are 200 steps per rotation Our BlackBox uses 1/8th microstepping. 200 steps per rotation * 1/8th microstepping = 1600 steps per rotation. In one rotation we move 8mm, so 1600/8 = 200 steps per mm. That results in a minumum step size of 1/200ths of 1mm = 0.005mm. One STEP of the stepper drivers = 0.005mm - it CANNOT move less than that!. If commanded to move, say 0.0005mm - it will increment the internal position variable, until 0.005mm has been accumulated, then perform that move ny executing a single step (you'd need to send 10x 0.0005mm moves before it moves the 0.005mm it can) Most Grbl hosts employ rounding of the DRO, there are a few more decimals internally (even if not displayed) but normally of no significance, as youre gcode should be in charge of cut depths during the job. Zero using a Probe to avoid the need for minute jog moves as well
Yeah I get what your saying and I believe it is actually moving the .0005 so must be DRO. As it seems every other move in Z the DRO go to next thou .001 to .002 and so on. I've got the SainSmart Genmitsu 3020 Pro