I just purchased a 3018 CNC machine from Banggood. It has GRBL 0.9J loaded on it. Is there any real advantage to trying to update it to GRBL 1.1h if I don't plan on adding a laser? This is the board I have... If I DO want to upgrade it, any ideas on whether XLoader would work?
That's the board I have on my machine, and I want to upgrade mine. I see a lot of talk about Arduino, is there an Arduino embedded on the control board do you know ?
If you see an "atmega328" chip onboard thats the "arduino" part If you don't mind the risk of possibly bricking it (can be recovered if you buy a $5 USBtinyISP) if something goes wrong, you can try flashing Grbl 1.1 using OpenBuildsCONTROL > Wizards and tools > Firmware flashing tool > BlackBox 4X (also AT328P based)
BakaNeko's photo is the same as my board... Well I went for it .... Now the console has cycled round [COM1] [COM17] [COM6] a few times. So what do I do now ?
Won't be easy to update that then But - consider a BlackBox. Grbl 1.1 is getting old too - the newer generation BlackBox X32 runs on grblHAL, 32 bit CPU, wifi, all kinds of nice modern features: See docs:blackbox-x32:start [OpenBuilds Documentation]
That's nearly double what I paid for the whole machine ! I'm sure it's a fabulous piece of kit, but I can't justify the spend, not with what I will be using the machine for....