I just received my new Blackbox X32 connected to the 24V Meanwell Power Supply I connected a NEMA 23 motor to the X connector. All controller settings were left at defaults. When pressing the Jog key, the motor feels like it engages, the DRO will increment up to the new value, there is no motor movement until the new value is reached, then the motor seems to make one single step. I have tried different motors, different cables, different computers. All the same result.. I feel like I am missing something simple. Any help will be appreciated.
First make sure you update the firmware. There's been a few updates since its release. docs:blackbox-x32:firmware [OpenBuilds Documentation] Then make sure you load a machine profile from the grbl settings menu.
Also, check to be sure your wiring is correct. docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] If it is not an OpenBuilds motor, you can not count on the wire colors to be correct.
Loading the machine profile seems to have resolved the issue. Thanks you for your help (First time using this setup)