I have never had an issue with this machine, been nearly 3 years since I got it. Lead 1010 with black box controller and a J-TECH 7 W laser. So today after a few months of not using it I fired it up today and it updated like always, logged back in like normal, ok homed out machine like normal, ok set a reference location, ok Clicked on surface flattening wizard and it froze. NOT OK Uninstalled Software Completely.ok, Completely shut down computer ok Re downloaded Software and installed software , ok Ran Software, home OK, Clicked on wizard again and it Froze. Please advise
Please delete the lastSurfacingTool setting as described here: Control 1.0.350 Wizard & Tools crash Then try again.
Latest latest (v1.0.355) or almost latest (V1.0.350-354) which has a known bug (See Control 1.0.350 Wizard & Tools crash for the history, but also see the Changelog https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL/master/CHANGELOG.txt and you'll see 1.0.355 already fixed it. If you do have the very latest, you'll have to see post Control 1.0.350 Wizard & Tools crash and DO copy/paste your key before deleting it so we can check it for you - as then something else may be amiss
Which one, update? Or deleted key (If so, did you remember to copy it for us so we can see what the issue was?)
If you did the delete step, you possibly know which key I am talking about, so that does still leave the question: We gave two solutions Update to 1.0.355 Delete the lastSurfacingTool key from LocalStorage You reported back No mention of what "that" was - So then I asked - which of the two solutions worked for you? So, if it was the 2nd, we have several times (once here, and probably 3-4 times in the main thread) asked affected users to provide the key for analysis - before deleting it. If you follow through to the link provided You'll have context and see me asking people to copy it for us. Of course only applicable if you needed that solution (if you were on 1.0.354 at the time of your complaint and 1.0.355 fixed it for you, thats something else and no worries, not related)
should I try to uninstall the controller software and reload to see if the bad key gets loaded or is the key stored in the controller? The dimensions in the key were not what I had used last for the wasteboard surface wizard.
No all good, if your are running its too late. We'll ask the next guy eventually someone will copy before delete
My bad peter. I didnt realizing we were trying to capture the setting. I'll make sure I include that next time I respond.