Hi, I have a new build and I am having trouble with a few things. My primary issue currently is when I probe, it will only work when I setup the xyz probe with the origin on the rear left corner of a piece of stock. If I place the probe on the foward left corner as I have on other machines, the probe process goes beyond / foward of the probe. Probing also only works with $6=1. I also am having troubles with hardlimits, which I assume is a EMI issue, so I changed to softlimits which seems to have solve that problem until I can figure out what the EMI issue is. I attached is my gcode setup file.
Correct for BlackBox X32 Work through docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] As for directions: Test that machine is setup correctly and complies with Cartesian Standard directions, by using the Jog buttons Does X- move the BIT to the LEFT of the STOCK? Does X+ move the BIT to the RIGHT of the STOCK? Does Y- move the BIT to the FRONT of the STOCK? Does Y+ move the BIT to the BACK of the STOCK? Does Z- move the BIT towards the STOCK (ie downward)? Does Z+ move the BIT away from the STOCK (ie upward)? If the answer was NO to any of the above, fix the machine directions in CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Direction Invert > Flip the switch of any offending axis Then, run the Hello World to do a first shakedown to make sure nothing is mirrored or upside down: docs:blackbox-x32:hello-world [OpenBuilds Documentation]