So, not sure if its a language barrier, or something like that, but I am having trouble completely understanding this reply Which of these two scenarios is it? 1 or 2? If it is (1), then do first turn off Hard Limits in Grbl Settings (to stop the alarms, giving you a chance to get to Troubleshooting tab) One should always use the Troubleshooting tab first, before enabling Hard Limits, to make sure switches/sensors are working. Looks like you possibly skipped over than, and enabled Hard Limits before testing all the sensors to the point of perfection. Right then next, in the Troubleshooting tab: 1) Does the limits show Triggered or OFF (with them plugged in) 2) If you place something metal in front of the sensors, do they change state? 3) If its inverted, showing Triggered when nothing in front of sensor, and showing OFF when something is in front of the sensor, then refer back to earlier part of this discussion, around playing with $5's value Or if they show TRIGGERED or OFF all the time, no state change when activated - then its a sensor problem
no since I modified what you explained to me the sensors work on X and Y the sensors are triggered and when I move the axes I still have an alarm then the axes are deguaged, hand against with Z l alarm repeats itself and suddenly the axis remains blocked so I must disconnect the Z sensor to be able to lower the Z again if necessary I make you a video?
here you see the X axis everything works as expected except for the fact that I receive another alarm when I want to bring the axis back, but after this 2nd alarm the axis starts up so everything is fine.. I makes you a second position with the Z axis
for the Z axis it is impossible for the axis to move once it has been detected the alarm still rings even when I disconnect the wires, I have to remove the sensor manually so that the axis becomes unstuck..
Then you still haven't corrected Grbl Settings tab > Scroll down to $5 limits Invert and change it If its currently 7, set it to 0 If its currently 0, set it to 7 Click Save on the top toolbar and Reset when Prompted This is as already advised on Monday
Then your NPN-NCs really are not going to play ball. NPNs work, but the -NC works differently. Order yourself a set of Xtension Limit Switch Kit please
I contacted RatRig to see with them for the sensor change ;-) I am openbuild full equip so it would be nice to have the same brand sensors... so we will be able to take care of my XYZ probe problem more ... lol we find ourselves on the other discussion :-D Thanks for your help .
@Glen.G @Peter Van Der Walt I ran into the same issue and managed to resolve it together with RatRig staff; Thing is; the documentation is a bit.... hard to read You need to take very close attention to the wiring drawing, it isnt completely visible that you need to flip the black and the blue wire. Might be helpful if that part of the documentation includes the written out labeling as well next to barely visible color difference between black and blue For the record; I have $5=0 ps; the lights are ON when untriggered, OFF when triggered
hello to you and thank you for your answer when I did my wiring I paid great attention to this problem during assembly and I did not take into account the color of the extension cable but that of the endstop, if is that what you're talking about? and my endstop X and Y works but the one in Z only detects when it touches I also tried to play on $27 but nothing .... and yes indeed my lights are on and go off when the axes are detected.
I just got some proximity sensors off amazon. The are labeled NPN but shows NO/NC on the description. I guess they can't be both. I hooked one up to try and the sensor led is on when idle or not near metal. When it is close to metal the led goes off but in the black box x32 troubleshooting tab the sensor alarm is triggered and the sensor led goes off. Is there a way to invert this?
In $5 yes. $5=0 or $5=7 respectively (X=1, Y=2, Z=4. 1+2+4=7) Disable Hard Limits while setting up to avoid the Alarms - get it working nicely first before enabling
That much sounds right though. NC sensor will have its onboard LED on when not detecting, and off when it does - what matters is that grbl/grblHAL reflects the correct status (The alarm activating when metal is near, sounds good to me)
Alarms are working now even though the sensor leds are reversed. I will at some point replace them with N/O sensors. My machine sat idle for about a year and a half and I decided to try to upgrade some things. I ordered an Ultimate Bee from SPAM 3d and I'm using parts from the old Workebee to update it the new machanical kit. Sitting idle in an unconditioned area takes a toll on the old machine. I found one stepper out right bad and one of the Y-steppers only works part time. could find no wiring problems. I ordered a high torque stepper a while back and placed an order with Openbuilds this morning for 3 more. I would like to thank everyone for their help with the sensors.
Ps, we almost never see motors go bad (simplistic devices, not much can go wrong other than shipping damage bending a shaft or knocking off a mounting flange) Wiring though, popular enough to have an FAQ page: docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Wear and tear can damage wiring inside insulation (strain points flexing tightly breaks wires)
Hello, please support me. Is the sensor of this type: M8 DC NPN NC LJ8A3-2-Z/AX-5V Will it work properly with BlackBox X32. Thank you in advance for your help.