Hello everyone, i v got everything connected to my blackbox x32, stepper motor connected, i v got a sound but nothings going on, My steppr motors are https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/n...-in-2-8a-3-2v-57x57x76mm-4-wires-23hs30-2804s for z axis and 4 https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/e...-in-2-8a-3-2v-57x57x76mm-4-wires-23he30-2804s My connection is black green reb blue A+ A- b+ b- Any advice, Sorry for my english, i a french. Thanks
This guide will probably help you - there is no standard for the colour coding of stepper motor wiring. docs:blackbox-4x:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] Alex.
And don't forget to load a machine profile: CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from the list > Save and reset when prompted
thanks guy, i did all of that but because i can t test, because i v got no equiment. Its a homemade one so , i did put the things like belt for z and the other ones ans save.
Please start off with one of our profiles, at least the CUSTOM option if nothing else - to make sure key parameters are set correctly.