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Blackbox X32 - New build stepper motors not responding

Discussion in 'General Electronics' started by Andy Webster, Jul 31, 2023.

  1. Andy Webster


    Jul 28, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Hi All,

    I've recently finished building my CNC machine, and have the BlackBox X32 controller.

    For some reason, I cannot get the motors to respond to movements using the Openbuild CONTROL app, however, when trying to move them, it seems like there is an attempt to move them, but no warning lights appear. Just to provide further information, I have:-
    1. Checked the wiring via a multi-meter (here)
    2. All the Limit switches were configured to avoid the "triggered" status
    3. Firmware is as "stock", bar the limit switch and probe "inverted" values
    The motors I have are:-

    NEMA 23 High Torque Stepper Motor
    This High Torque NEMA23 stepper motor with a holding torque of 2.45N.m (346oz.in)

    Step Angle:1.8°
    Rated current:3.0A DC
    Rated Voltage: 3.6V
    Winding dc resistance (25℃): 1.2Ω±10%
    Winding inductance: 4mH±20%
    Holding torque:≥2.45N.m
    Shaft diameter: 6.35mm or 1/4″

    Is it potentially just a case of ramping up the power to these motors using the current adjustment switches (here) or could there be some other potential issues?

    I'm new to this, and though this is likely a "simple" fix... I don't want to play with settings or adjustments that I don't fully understand, and blow an expensive bit of kit!

    Any help or support would be extremely gratefully received :)


  2. Andy Webster


    Jul 28, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Below is the G-code, fyi:

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $3=0 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $4=7 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $5=7 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $6=1 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $7=0 ;Disable spindle with 0 speed, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $8=0 ;Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $10=511 ;Status report options, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $14=0 ;Limit pins invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $15=0 ;Coolant pins invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $16=0 ;Spindle pins invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $17=0 ;Control pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $18=0 ;Limit pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $19=0 ;Probe pin pullup disable, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $24=25.0 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $25=500.0 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $27=1.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $28=0.100 ;G73 retract distance, in mm

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $29=0.0 ;Step pulse delay (ms)

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $30=1000.000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $31=0.000 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $33=5000.0 ;Spindle PWM frequency

    [11:15:24] [ $$ ] $34=0.0 ;Spindle off Value

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $35=0.0 ;Spindle min value

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $36=100.0 ;Spindle max value

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $37=0 ;Stepper deenergize mask

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $39=1 ;Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $40=0 ;Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $43=1 ;Homing passes

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $44=4 ;Homing cycle 1

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $45=3 ;Homing cycle 2

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $46=0 ;Homing cycle 3

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $62=0 ;Sleep Enable

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $63=2 ;Feed Hold Actions

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $64=0 ;Force Init Alarm

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $65=0 ;Require homing sequence to be executed at startup

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $70=7 ;Network Services

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $73=1 ;Wifi Mode

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $74= ;Wifi network SSID

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $75= ;Wifi network PSK

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $100=250.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $101=250.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $102=250.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $110=500.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $111=500.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $112=500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $120=10.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $121=10.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $122=10.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $130=200.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $131=200.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $132=200.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $300=Grbl ;Hostname

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $302= ;IP Address

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $303= ;Gateway

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $304= ;Netmask

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $305=23 ;Telnet Port

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $306=80 ;HTTP Port

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $307=81 ;Websocket Port

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $341=0 ;Tool Change Mode

    [11:15:25] [ $$ ] $342=30.0 ;Tool Change probing distance

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] $343=25.0 ;Tool Change Locate Feed rate

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] $344=200.0 ;Tool Change Search Seek rate

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] $345=100.0 ;Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] $370=0 ;Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask)

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] $384=0 ;Disable G92 Persistence

    [11:15:26] [ $$ ] ok

    [11:15:26] [ connect ] Firmware Detected: grbl version 1.1f on COM7

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [VER:1.1f.20220325:custom]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [OPT:VNSL2,35,1024,3,0]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,TC,SED,WIFI,SD]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [DRIVER:ESP32]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [DRIVER VERSION:220327]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [DRIVER OPTIONS:v4.3.2-555-gb4ef1b80a2-dirty]

    [11:15:26] [ $I ] [BOARD:BlackBox X32]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] [AUX IO:1,0,0,0]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] [WIFI MAC:94:B5:55:1D:54:E4]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] [IP:]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:SDCARD v1.05]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:ESP32 WebUI v0.03]

    [11:15:27] [ $I ] ok

    [11:15:27] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [11:15:27] [ $G ] ok

    [11:15:37] [ $J=G91G21Y10F500 ] ok

    [11:15:37] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [11:15:37] [ $G ] ok

    [11:15:43] [ $J=G91G21Z1F500 ] ok

    [11:15:44] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [11:15:44] [ $G ] ok

    [11:15:50] [ $J=G91G21Z10F500 ] ok

    [11:15:50] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [11:15:50] [ $G ] ok

    [11:16:58] [ $RST=$ ] [MSG:Restoring defaults]

    [11:16:58] [ $RST=$ ] ok

    [11:16:58] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help]

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $0=10.0 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $1=25 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $3=0 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $4=7 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $5=0 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $6=0 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $7=0 ;Disable spindle with 0 speed, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $8=0 ;Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $10=511 ;Status report options, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $14=0 ;Limit pins invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $15=0 ;Coolant pins invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $16=0 ;Spindle pins invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $17=0 ;Control pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $18=0 ;Limit pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $19=0 ;Probe pin pullup disable, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $24=25.0 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $25=500.0 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $27=1.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $28=0.100 ;G73 retract distance, in mm

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $29=0.0 ;Step pulse delay (ms)

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $30=1000.000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $31=0.000 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $33=5000.0 ;Spindle PWM frequency

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $34=0.0 ;Spindle off Value

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $35=0.0 ;Spindle min value

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $36=100.0 ;Spindle max value

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $37=0 ;Stepper deenergize mask

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $39=1 ;Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $40=0 ;Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $43=1 ;Homing passes

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $44=4 ;Homing cycle 1

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $45=3 ;Homing cycle 2

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $46=0 ;Homing cycle 3

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $62=0 ;Sleep Enable

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $63=2 ;Feed Hold Actions

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $64=0 ;Force Init Alarm

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $65=0 ;Require homing sequence to be executed at startup

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $70=7 ;Network Services

    [11:16:59] [ $$ ] $73=1 ;Wifi Mode

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $74= ;Wifi network SSID

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $75= ;Wifi network PSK

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $100=250.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $101=250.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $102=250.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $110=500.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $111=500.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $112=500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $120=10.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $121=10.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $122=10.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $130=200.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $131=200.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $132=200.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $300=Grbl ;Hostname

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $302= ;IP Address

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $303= ;Gateway

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $304= ;Netmask

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $305=23 ;Telnet Port

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $306=80 ;HTTP Port

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $307=81 ;Websocket Port

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $341=0 ;Tool Change Mode

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $342=30.0 ;Tool Change probing distance

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $343=25.0 ;Tool Change Locate Feed rate

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $344=200.0 ;Tool Change Search Seek rate

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $345=100.0 ;Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $370=0 ;Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask)

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] $384=0 ;Disable G92 Persistence

    [11:17:00] [ $$ ] ok

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [VER:1.1f.20220325:custom]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [OPT:VNSL2,35,1024,3,0]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,TC,SED,WIFI,SD]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [DRIVER:ESP32]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [DRIVER VERSION:220327]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [DRIVER OPTIONS:v4.3.2-555-gb4ef1b80a2-dirty]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [BOARD:BlackBox X32]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [AUX IO:1,0,0,0]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [WIFI MAC:94:B5:55:1D:54:E4]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [IP:]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:SDCARD v1.05]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] [PLUGIN:ESP32 WebUI v0.03]

    [11:17:00] [ $I ] ok

    [11:17:38] [ $5=7 ] ok

    [11:17:38] [ $6=1 ] ok

    [11:17:42] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help]

    [11:17:44] [ ] $0=10.0 ;Step pulse time, microseconds

    [11:17:44] [ ] $1=25 ;Step idle delay, milliseconds

    [11:17:44] [ ] $2=0 ;Step pulse invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $3=0 ;Step direction invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $4=7 ;Invert step enable pin, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $5=7 ;Invert limit pins, boolean/mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $6=1 ;Invert probe pin, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $7=0 ;Disable spindle with 0 speed, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $8=0 ;Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield

    [11:17:44] [ ] $10=511 ;Status report options, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $11=0.010 ;Junction deviation, millimeters

    [11:17:44] [ ] $12=0.002 ;Arc tolerance, millimeters

    [11:17:44] [ ] $13=0 ;Report in inches, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $14=0 ;Limit pins invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $15=0 ;Coolant pins invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $16=0 ;Spindle pins invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $17=0 ;Control pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $18=0 ;Limit pins pullup disable, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $19=0 ;Probe pin pullup disable, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $20=0 ;Soft limits enable, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $21=0 ;Hard limits enable, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $22=0 ;Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL)

    [11:17:44] [ ] $23=0 ;Homing direction invert, mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $24=25.0 ;Homing locate feed rate, mm/min

    [11:17:44] [ ] $25=500.0 ;Homing search seek rate, mm/min

    [11:17:44] [ ] $26=250 ;Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds

    [11:17:44] [ ] $27=1.000 ;Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters

    [11:17:44] [ ] $28=0.100 ;G73 retract distance, in mm

    [11:17:44] [ ] $29=0.0 ;Step pulse delay (ms)

    [11:17:44] [ ] $30=1000.000 ;Maximum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:17:44] [ ] $31=0.000 ;Minimum spindle speed, RPM

    [11:17:44] [ ] $32=0 ;Laser-mode enable, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $33=5000.0 ;Spindle PWM frequency

    [11:17:44] [ ] $34=0.0 ;Spindle off Value

    [11:17:44] [ ] $35=0.0 ;Spindle min value

    [11:17:44] [ ] $36=100.0 ;Spindle max value

    [11:17:44] [ ] $37=0 ;Stepper deenergize mask

    [11:17:44] [ ] $39=1 ;Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $40=0 ;Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean

    [11:17:44] [ ] $43=1 ;Homing passes

    [11:17:44] [ ] $44=4 ;Homing cycle 1

    [11:17:44] [ ] $45=3 ;Homing cycle 2

    [11:17:44] [ ] $46=0 ;Homing cycle 3

    [11:17:44] [ ] $62=0 ;Sleep Enable

    [11:17:44] [ ] $63=2 ;Feed Hold Actions

    [11:17:44] [ ] $64=0 ;Force Init Alarm

    [11:17:44] [ ] $65=0 ;Require homing sequence to be executed at startup

    [11:17:44] [ ] $70=7 ;Network Services

    [11:17:44] [ ] $73=1 ;Wifi Mode

    [11:17:44] [ ] $74= ;Wifi network SSID

    [11:17:44] [ ] $75= ;Wifi network PSK

    [11:17:45] [ ] $100=250.000 ;X-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:45] [ ] $101=250.000 ;Y-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:45] [ ] $102=250.000 ;Z-axis steps per millimeter

    [11:17:45] [ ] $110=500.000 ;X-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:45] [ ] $111=500.000 ;Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:45] [ ] $112=500.000 ;Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min

    [11:17:45] [ ] $120=10.000 ;X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:45] [ ] $121=10.000 ;Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:45] [ ] $122=10.000 ;Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2

    [11:17:45] [ ] $130=200.000 ;X-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:45] [ ] $131=200.000 ;Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:45] [ ] $132=200.000 ;Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters

    [11:17:45] [ ] $300=Grbl ;Hostname

    [11:17:45] [ ] $302= ;IP Address

    [11:17:45] [ ] $303= ;Gateway

    [11:17:45] [ ] $304= ;Netmask

    [11:17:45] [ ] $305=23 ;Telnet Port

    [11:17:45] [ ] $306=80 ;HTTP Port

    [11:17:45] [ ] $307=81 ;Websocket Port

    [11:17:45] [ ] $341=0 ;Tool Change Mode

    [11:17:45] [ ] $342=30.0 ;Tool Change probing distance

    [11:17:45] [ ] $343=25.0 ;Tool Change Locate Feed rate

    [11:17:45] [ ] $344=200.0 ;Tool Change Search Seek rate

    [11:17:45] [ ] $345=100.0 ;Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate

    [11:17:45] [ ] $370=0 ;Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask)

    [11:17:45] [ ] $384=0 ;Disable G92 Persistence

    [11:17:45] [ ] ok

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [VER:1.1f.20220325:custom]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [OPT:VNSL2,35,1024,3,0]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [NEWOPT:ENUMS,RT+,TC,SED,WIFI,SD]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [FIRMWARE:grblHAL]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [NVS STORAGE:*FLASH]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [DRIVER:ESP32]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [DRIVER VERSION:220327]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [DRIVER OPTIONS:v4.3.2-555-gb4ef1b80a2-dirty]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [BOARD:BlackBox X32]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [AUX IO:1,0,0,0]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [WIFI MAC:94:B5:55:1D:54:E4]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [IP:]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [PLUGIN:SDCARD v1.05]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] [PLUGIN:ESP32 WebUI v0.03]

    [11:17:45] [ $$ ] ok

    [11:18:10] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help]

    [11:18:10] [ ] ok

    [11:18:16] [ $J=G91G21Y-10F500 ] ok

    [11:18:16] [ $G ] [GC:G0 G54 G17 G21 G90 G94 G49 G98 G50 M5 M9 T0 F0 S0.]

    [11:18:16] [ $G ] ok

    [11:18:31] [ ] GrblHAL 1.1f ['$' or '$HELP' for help
  3. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
    Likes Received:
    If you load a machine profile Openbuilds Control will set up the default grbl settings for you.

    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from the list > Save and reset when prompted
  5. Andy Webster


    Jul 28, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Ok, Thanks for this Peter, much appreciated, I will try this now and select the closest I have to this.
    Peter Van Der Walt likes this.
  6. Andy Webster


    Jul 28, 2023
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    Thank you again, Peter, you're an absolute star!! she's alive!!! :)

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