I'm in the process of building a machine. I purchased Blackbox X32 and the Meanwhile 24v psu. I've connected everything as per the docs. I have a solid USB connection but no 24v power. I checked the voltage at the plug from the psu and it shows 24v but the box is not powering up. No fan running..nothing. I have all the lights that the USB power but no motor control. Am I missing a step here? I feel like the box is bad but before I return it I'd like some opinions. Please.
Did you remember to load a machine profile? CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from the list > Save and reset when prompted Otherwise lack of power would indicate wiring (check polarity, check that the plug is inserted all the way in - can sometimes snag on the case before its all the way in)
I'll try the profile...I didn't go there because I thought I needed power to do anything. I've triple checked all the connections.
Profile didn't do anything. The fan on the box should turn on as soon as you turn on power, right? It doesn't do anything.
Correct..profile was just to ensure that it wasn't a combination of bad fan, and the default profile which doesn't enable motors. Check in with Support > new ticket please, including lots of pictures of wiring (PSU and BlackBox ends)
I did...thanks for your help. I'm really jonesin about this...lol. I built what I feel like is a really good c beam set up but I can't test anything. Patience...patience...ill get there.
Are you using the 24v PS from Openbuilds? My first issue was the box, which they replaced immediately, second time it was the power case on the PSU. Both were replaced and I've had no issues since then. Double check all your connections...especially on the power case. Any short could fry the box and you'll get nothing. I've had zero issues since the new power case was installed. Very possible that was the issue all along. It may have shorted the first box somehow. Use extra caution to make sure you have everything connected correctly before you turn on the power. You only get one shot if you have anything shorted. Id recommend that Openbuild put some type of fuse in the BB like they had in the earlier version but if you are careful to connect everything right you should have no issues. Customer service for Openbuilds is definitely the best in the business. Obviously, before you go through replacing anything, maybe just disconnect everything and reinstall it making sure all your connections are solid.