I have just tried to connect my Open Builds Interface using your instructions section 3 I have run the procedure with no success i have logged onto the interface on WIfi connection and as instructed typed in carried out the instructions gave my credit card details and ended on a dating site. I am far from computer savvy I am disgusted by this shouldn't you be more responsible to your customers
192.168.n.n is a PRIVATE IP address - its a device on your home network, not a website on the internet. Alex.
you connected the Interface to your wifi, what IP does it show? nowhere in the Openbuilds instructions section 3 does it mention needing credit card details, you should have stopped right there and started asking questions like 'where am I really?' and 'how did I get here?' All of the OB software is free to use, you will never need to enter credit card details to use it.
not really a useful message..... please answer the questions: (by clicking the 'reply' button at bottom right of this message) 1 - what IP does the Interface show? 2 - what is your PC's IP address? they must both be on the same subnet, ie, the first 3 numbers of the IP addresses must be the same, like and
I am sorry i am not up to speed with respect to computers I have attached the properties of the interface and properties of my Wifi Jurrasic could you gain enough information from this to point me in the right direction