Hi, I am having a similar issue with Error 9 triggered by "Alarm 1 hard limit triggered". I disabled hard limits in my GRBL settings and rebooted and it worked flawlessly for a short cut test. So, I am assuming this means I have an issue with my limit switches? I read the gnea/grbl as recommended but a lot is over my head. Also updated the FDTI drivers on my macbook just to be safe. I read the "debugging limit switch" thread, but I am unsure if my limit switches, EMI, USB or what the issue is. Homing still works fine and machine ran through a simple file when I disabled hard limits. What can I deduce from this, as far as narrowing down the problem? Sorry if this is the wrong thread for this.
I am new to CNC and bought a LEAD 1515 and have not been able to complete the "Hello World" Air-Cut shown in the startup video due to errors. Following the steps in the video using the CAM software (default 1515 settings) then sending it Control software, Homing, then starting the air-cut. The errors I get are as followed: [ ALARM ] ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ G1 F1000 X98.8992 Y114.6215 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] [ ] ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ G1 F1000 X98.8992 Y114.6215 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] [ ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X98.5002 Y116.2066 Z-1.0000 S1000 ]<hr>This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event:<br> ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ ERROR ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X98.5002 Y116.2066 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event: ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ G1 F1000 X98.5002 Y116.2066 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] error:9 [ ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X97.8621 Y117.5245 Z-1.0000 S1000 ]<hr>This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event:<br> ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ ERROR ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X97.8621 Y117.5245 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] [ ERROR ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X97.8621 Y117.5245 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event: ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [11:04:02] [ G1 F1000 X97.8621 Y117.5245 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] error:9 [ ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X96.9863 Y118.6172 Z-1.0000 S1000 ]<hr>This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event:<br> ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ ERROR ] error: 9 - G-code locked out during alarm or jog state [ G1 F1000 X96.9863 Y118.6172 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] This error may just be a symptom of an earlier event: ALARM: 1 - Hard limit triggered. Machine position is likely lost due to sudden and immediate halt. Re-homing is highly recommended. [ G1 F1000 X96.9863 Y118.6172 Z-1.0000 S1000 ] error:9 I am having a hard time believing that I just bought a $3000.00 CNC machine that does not work out of the box without having to replace wiring with shielded wires, ferrite cores or magically suspending wires in mid-air away from other stepper motor wiring. right?
Check: a) is the machine hitting a limit switch (ie forgot to zero, axis reversed and going wrong way, etc) or b) it is actually a false alarm (nothing near the switches) - then see docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Peter, It does home to all 3 limit switches, touch them and back away and then touch again. Then move away. After that it is trying to start the "Hello World" and then triggers the Z limit switch and keeps it depressed while all of the error messages stated above fly by one after the other.
Sounds like you forgot to jog toward to the stock, and set zero Rewatch the Hello World tutorial: docs:blackbox:hello-world [OpenBuilds Documentation] - notice between homing, and running, you first have to tell the machine where the Stock is located (set the origin, set zero)
So, I did a reboot on the CNC Workstation, reset the BB, reset Software, tightened the ball screws again, tested all directions to make sure none were reversed, verified all wires we plugged in and not near other motor wires, verified all limit switches were working via finger touch, jog out to 4", zero'd, positioned and secured test material...and poof! Perfection. Almost! Thanks for all your help! The Probe seems to be a little off or maybe its the start point on the material because some of the lettering was cut off. Software also said my $15 junk bits were 3.20 and not 3.175 in dia. Well still a work in progress.
Well off to learn more on Flattening/Surfacing tool and how to Tram if need be. Thanks again! Cheers!
Mine is. I know others are as well. In the probe wizard screen, click on probe type and change to custom. Then click on the gear icon to adjust your offset. Mine is off by .4mm. In doing this, you wont be able to run the automatic probe, but you can still run all the other ones.
I am impressed. You got extra endmill added to your endmill! I have yet to get a cheap 1/8" endmill to hit the 3.175mm mark. The closest so far has been 3.17mm. That is why I measure each one with a caliper to ensure I get accurate cuts. In defense of the cheap endmills, I have some expensive ones that were not accurate either. I have found that the $32 per endmill mark is where I have started seeing them hit the claimed specs. I only have a couple of these.
It's pretty normal for end mills not to hit exact spec; they're really just stating the size of the bar stock they're starting with, once it's ground to shape and finish it's unlikely to be exact. Most machines have wear comp offsets that can be adjusted at the control so it's irrelevant anyway. Of course grbl doesn't, which makes life more difficult.
*sigh* ALARM: 1 and error:9. again! yeah. yeah. docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation] sure would be nice if it worked as intended out of the box. Seems like every time I try to work on this its on again and off again.Now I guess I need to order filters of some sort.... or new shield wires to replace the wires supplied. It seems that you can not have any limit switch wires running parallel to the Nema 23 HT motors or you have a random chance that it will trigger a ALARM 1 and then a error: 9 at random mid project. It would be nice to get past these error so I can complete tramming my machine. Someday...
Seperate low voltage signal wires like Limit switch wiring, from high current wires like Motors and Spindle.
Yep, thats what I had kinda going on. But, it was a temporary setup to make sure I could get the machine setup. During replacing the cast 90 deg corners with milled corners. I ended up moving some wires just a few inches which was enough to trigger the errors. I know that I must keep the router power cord and nema 23 HT motors away from the end stops wiring. Which cases issues for using the wire management system. Not sure shielded wires will be enough to resolve the emi issue so I can use the management system again. Someday I’ll get it working.
We are getting this alarm all the time now and we don’t have any limit switches hooked up? I’m really really disappointed in these units we bought two setups and have nothing but trouble. One problem after the next.
Somehow one of the settings was enabled so my fault. We’ve finally got one up and running consistently fingers crossed without issues for over 2 weeks. What we’ve done is set up the Blackbox in a separate enclosure totally dust free removed any possible interference and added a substantial fan cooling the under side. Plus tweaking the settings. Haven’t yet got the end stops hooked up but kinda scared to go any further.