Alex Chambers submitted a new resource: Calibrating your cnc - Calibration Read more about this resource...
Hello, I need help, I have a workbee plasma X 2000 Y 1000 with the blackbox X4 start zero point right side, I calibrate the Y 100 mm left side, I have an offset of month one millimeter every hundred millimeters thank you for your help.
See @Peter Van Der Walt's post above about using the calibration wizard in Openbuilds Control, but use the longest distance you can measure accurately. You can't calibrate accurately over 100 mm. Alex.
Thank you for your answer, I found my problem another question with the BlackBox Motion Control System, do I stay with the old version of openbuilds control or is it better to upgrade to the new version.
Always update Openbuilds Control - updates are issued to fix problems and we will always assume you are on the latest version. Alex.
Hello I am having problems with the calibration wizard, if i calibrate an axis, say i get X to work fine, the other ones don't calibrate, they move 10mm when i move it 1mm or just go crazy. If i reset everything and start calibrating the Z axis, the other one just won't calibrate All my electronics are open build, bb x32 and open build motors
Before calibration, the machine has to be correctly working first. Odd moves and "go crazy" sounds like you got some more work to do first. 1) Load a machine profile (Theoretical settings gets you to 99% - calibration is for correcting that last 1-2% precision that makes up manufacturing tolerances) 2) Recheck motor wiring 3) make it work right first
The motor wiring is ok, they don’t hum or move in the wrong direction what do you mean by correctly working befor calibration ? All the motor move fine but all in different ways, if i move the X 10mm it moves 4 if i move the z 10mm it move 3 etc… its just random
I mean it should NOT be doing and Something is still fundamentally wrong in the first place. It should work CORRECTLY then you calibrate to make up that list tiny tiny correction for the rolled leadscrews having a little variance. Get the mechanicals perfect, set your steps per mm close with theoretical numbers, Acceleration, Max Rate, etc all tuned correctly then fine tune last 1% or so with calibration, as intended
Thank you for the response, i did not know that calibrating was for fine tune only, now i know! I will look ip steps per mm with theoretical numbers. So the problem is that all axes have different ball screws ?
The problem is it seems like a custom machine, but you seem to have put in no work into customizing the Grbl Settings at all then? Start your journey prepared, read the Grbl Wiki Grbl v1.1 Configuration
No i did not customize the gbrl settings I am a bit confused in where to start software wise, i will study gbrl and try again! You have been very usefull!
Great. Also spend some time tuning Acceleration and Max Rate - Grbl Defaults are quite slow (for a reliable start) but if you put in a little time you can maximise performance but keep it reliable (don't go too high)