Good evening, I have now started to use the homing in order to ensure that the x, y and z travels stop before hitting the opposite ends. But I am having 2 main issues. Firstly - When homing the Z-axis does not go to its limit switch like the X and Y. I have a High Z configuration. Secondly - Perhaps not related is the fact that my X and Y axis seems to be reaching the limit long before actual end. I have attached my settings incase I am missing something. Any help would be beneficial. $0=10.0 ; Step pulse time, microseconds $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask $3=0 ; Step direction invert, mask $4=0 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean $5=7 ; Invert limit pins, boolean/mask $6=1 ; Invert probe pin, boolean $8=0 ; Ganged axes direction invert as bitfield $9=1 ; PWM Spindle as bitfield where setting bit 0 enables the rest $10=511 ; Status report options, mask $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean $14=0 ; Limit pins invert, mask $15=0 ; Coolant pins invert, mask $16=0 ; Spindle pins invert, mask $17=0 ; Control pins pullup disable, mask $18=0 ; Limit pins pullup disable, mask $19=0 ; Probe pin pullup disable, boolean $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean $21=1 ; Hard limits enable, boolean $22=1 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean (Grbl) / mask (GrblHAL) $23=3 ; Homing direction invert, mask $24=100.0 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min $25=2000.0 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds $27=5.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters $28=0.100 ; G73 retract distance, in mm $29=0.0 ; Step pulse delay (ms) $30=1000.000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM $31=0.000 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM $32=0 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean $33=5000.0 ; Spindle PWM frequency $34=0.0 ; Spindle off Value $35=0.0 ; Spindle min value $36=100.0 ; Spindle max value $37=0 ; Stepper deenergize mask $39=1 ; Enable printable realtime command characters, boolean $40=0 ; Apply soft limits for jog commands, boolean $43=1 ; Homing passes $44=3 ; Homing cycle 1 $45=0 ; Homing cycle 2 $46=0 ; Homing cycle 3 $62=0 ; Sleep Enable $63=3 ; Feed Hold Actions $64=0 ; Force Init Alarm $65=0 ; Require homing sequence to be executed at startup $70=7 ; Network Services $73=1 ; Wifi Mode $74=NaN ; Wifi network SSID $75= ; Wifi network PSK $100=198.200 ; X-axis steps per millimeter $101=198.250 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter $102=198.540 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter $110=3500.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min $111=3500.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min $112=1000.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min $120=350.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $121=350.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $122=350.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $130=1180.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters $131=1270.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters $132=350.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters $320=NaN ; Hostname, max: 64 $322= ; IP Address $323= ; Gateway $324= ; Netmask $325=23 ; Telnet port $326=80 ; HTTP port $327=81 ; Websocket port $341=0 ; Tool Change Mode $342=30.0 ; Tool Change probing distance $343=25.0 ; Tool Change Locate Feed rate $344=200.0 ; Tool Change Search Seek rate $345=200.0 ; Tool Change Probe Pull Off rate $346=1 ; Restore position after M6 as boolean $370=0 ; Invert I/O Port Inputs (mask) $384=0 ; Disable G92 Persistence $396=30 ; WebUI timeout in minutes $397=0 ; WebUI auto report interval in milliseconds $398=35 ; Planner buffer blocks $481=0 ; Autoreport interval in ms $I=leadmachine1515
What happens if you jog close to the limit switches and then try homing? It is faster to do it this way and some configurations will stop trying to home if the machine travels past a certain distance without finding a limit switch
Only if Max Travel is set far incorrectly. It searches up to Max * 1.5 so no thats not the issue here
Sounds like a logical reason for the second issue. But do you think for the first? It literally does not move in the Z at all.
not entirely sure of the details. does it travel in the correct direction toward the Z switch, but stop before it? or does it travel in the wrong direction? or does it not move at all? was the machie working without the home swtiches?
Whilst the x and y axis are moving towards their respective switches the z axis stays in last position . I.e. it never moves.
That definitely solved point 1, thanks. I will see if there are any EMI interferences affecting point 2.
My 1515 has an extended Z and I receive the error before it reaches the homing switch. How do I manually set it to allow for the extended Z mod ?
the initial seek limit when homing is 1.5 x the axis travel limit, so you have to set the travel limit correctly as Peter mentioned.