So i'm having a few issues with my X32 Blackbox and the HY VFD, the spindle won't fully stop via the interface or open builds control. I tried the PD011 down to 0, but that doesn't work. I did notice that i still get .7v through the blackbox to the VI/ACM at the HY after i have stopped the spindle via the control/interface, not sure why that is coming through from the blackbox, i guess that explains the 2000-2200rpms Can i put a switch between the jumper of DCM and FOR to stop the spindle. I don't want to press the stop button on the VFD (as the VFD needs a restart to run again and i'm not going to reset the breaker each time) I did read HY SERIES VFD AND BLACKBOX SET-UP OPTIONS I also came across a few posts about this similar issues, but so far i haven't had any luck resolving this issue
That's a VFD config - something similar to Min Freq (set to 120Hz) You want the VFD to ignore 0-3v (0-7200rpm) and only start up from 7200-24000 (3-10v) (Slow spinning can burn out spindle - 7200min is bare minimum for air cooling to work) Refer your VFDs manual to see which parameter accomplishes this 7200rpm / 24000rpm = 0.3 10v * 0.3 = 3v 400hz * 0.3 = 120Hz
Thanks for your help Peter, I'll have another read through the VFD Manual to see if i can work it out which parameter i need to fix the issue. if anyone else know which parameter i should be looking at, its the 220v 2.2kw 223 model Ive got a water cooled spindle connected to a CW-5200 Chiller Would PD010 on page 30 be the solution? it looks like it could work, if i set it to 3v
PD010 doesn't look like the usual one. Should be in freq not voltage. Maybe PD011 (could try 120hz and see if it does as expected, if not revert to old value) Search here too Search Results for Query: min freq | OpenBuilds The vendor you bought the VFD from is supposed to be providing the support for their product
VFD Spindle Control via OpenBuilds BlackBox Controller and Software says its not PD011 either Just guessing off your PDF here - really best to ask your VFD supplier (and thus equally important to buy from a reputable seller that does provide support)
Vendor aren't great when it comes to supporting what they sell. Im thinking PD028 might work I do have a question regarding the X32 Blackbox, why does it still sending a continuous .7V after shutting down the spindle, it shouldn't be sending anything, that would solve the issue
I'll double check my $33 settings when i head out to the workshop tomorrow, that may well be the issue. But i do have some concerns, i've read your replies, you say that the blackbox provides 0-10v, but that doesn't seem to be right from a few of the posts to the links i've read on here. Can you confirm that the blackbox X32 is able to provide 0.0v as stated, as there shouldn't be any need to program the VFD ignore 0-3v
That's fine. As 0-3v would be ignored. They all do that and it's not an issue if the VFD properly set up. The PWM to 0-10v section is an old school analog circuit. 0.7 is well below 3V False. Min Freq is a critical safety parameter to prevent burning out spindles! And accidental starts from EMI induced voltages in control wiring etc! I mean we could wire up the tool enable relay to handle start/stop but that doesn't change the fact that the VFD isn't correctly setup. If you want to add the relay, see HY Settings with the BlackBox X32