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grblHAL Webbuilder BBx32 specific documentation

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by BASt_NL, May 24, 2024.

  1. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    I'm Running through the grblHAL webbuilder for (primarily) selfsquaring the Y Axis on the BBx32 .. is there any documentation on the usage/availabilty of the settings specifically for the BBx32?
    In the general tab, unavailable options are greyed out if they dont apply for the BBx32, but the other tabs dont have that.
    I'm looking for general answers, so it can help others as well, but my specific usecase is a 3 Axis CNC with dual Y motors, a AMB PWM spindle and i currently have the the 2/3Axes dual Y, doorsensor enabled firmware loaded on my controller.
    ps, @sharmstr , I only discovered this moring you are the same person i replied to on the github webbuilder thread , so i thought i'd post it here as a broader question ;)

    General: Defaults to logic settings

    1. MPG & DRO mode: Disabled
      (BASt: Defaults to disabled, but is changeable?)

    2. Settings EEPROM: Unavailable- Disabled
    3. SD card: Enable
      (BASt: Available on BBx32, but defaults to Disabled)
    4. Keypad: Unavailable- Disabled
    5. Macros: ?
      (BASt: Defaults to disabled, but can be bound to aux ports?)
    6. Number of macros: ?
    7. LightBurn cluster:?
    8. Laser coolant: ?
    9. Bluetooth: Native
      (BASt: Available on BBx32, but defaults to Disabled)
    10. Embroidery:?
    (BASt: Defaults to disabled, is available on BBx32, I dont use this)

    Advanced Features:
    1. Compatibility level: GRBLHAL
    2. Reset input as E-Stop: Checked
    3. TLO report: All Axes
    4. Backlash compensation: ?
    5. Disable $RST=*, reset all settings: ?
    6. Disable $RST=$, reset core settings: ?
    7. Sleep mode: ?
    8. Spindle linearization: ?
      (BASt: does this also enable a 0-1V=low, 1-9v=linear, 9-10V=max speed like the AMB spindles?)
    9. Lathe UVW mode: ?
    10. Spindle sync: Disabled
    11. Minimize probe overshoot: ?
      (BASt; my guess is, you want this enabled)
    12. RS274 NGC expression support: ?
    13. Rotary axis feed rate fix: ?
      (BASt; my guess is, you want this enabled if you have a rotary axis)
    14. Kinematics: Cartesian

    • Safety door : Depends
      (BASt: Available on BBx32. You can use this for door/estop alarm. This is a NC setting, so enabling this without using it gives an alarm)
    • Limits override: ?
    • Single step G-code blocks: ?
    • Block delete: ?
    • Optional stop disable: ?
    • Probe disconnected: ?
    • Motor fault: ?
    • Motor warning: ?
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    - The Web Builder doesn't turn many of these options on per-board, so things like SD being disabled, is just the default, we turn it on when we build for BlackBox. (Wished for that before - and here)
    - Things like Keypad, Pendant/MPG, etc: We don't really use it, as we have the Interface (straight off standard UART - its a full Grbl host, not just a pendant)
    - Settings EEPROM:ESP32 uses Flash not EEPROM, dropdown applies to other chips
    - Bluetooth vs Wifi - single radio on the ESP, so one or the other - wifi far superior
    - Disable $RST=* - some OEMs like to prevent customers from resetting settings - we run a modular build system, so resets are allowed

    For most of the plugins, their repos has some documentation GitHub - grblHAL/plugins: Plugins overview

    Our stock 2/3axes-dual Y:
    Go to http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32
    On General Tab set Y-Axis to Ganged
    On Plugins Tab set SD enabled
    On Networking tab, set WebUI to V3, Networking toWifi, Enable Telnet, Enable HTTP server
    Normal firmware: Other tabs - no changes
    Door Sensor enabled firmware: Optional Inputs Tab: Set Safety Door

    That's it, rest are stock standard defaults. You are of course welcome to customize
  3. sharmstr

    sharmstr OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Oh Sorry. I turned of notifications for that thread. I used what peter said and only added auto square. It works great.
    BASt_NL likes this.
  4. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    Thanks for your replies.
    I have checked the available info, but none made it clear if it was available on the BBx32 or not.
    And especially the optional inputs dont have any documentation, it seems, so i just need to mess around & find out :)

    for the squaring part i'm set with that info, thanks.

    any info on the Spindle linearization?
    (BASt: does this also enable a 0-1V=low, 1-9v=linear, 9-10V=max speed like the AMB spindles?)
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    All existing inputs assigned as documented in the docs:blackbox-x32:layout [OpenBuilds Documentation]

    Only "spare" io is the Mode button not used for anything while grblHAL is running yet (only for bootloader at the moment)

    To get spare IO start with a custom pinmap (unmap existing outputs) and then you are outside Web Builder anyway

    . Pressure AMB to join the rest of the world and make it 0-10 = 0-maxrpm :p ?
    See code comments at core/config.h at 1de8d7b7f026d1ed9ce41667aec20cce65c26378 · grblHAL/core

    I suspect ticking it on in Web builder will also add a couple extra $$ settings to the build
  6. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    Oh sorry i meant the 'optional checkboxes' on the webbuilder, not inputs on the bbx32. But good to know the 'mode' button is (sometimes) available.

    Regarding the spindle... looks like ive found a new source of documentation, the comments in the code, thanks, will dig into that; will probably answer some of the remaining checkboxes and options as well.
    Thanks for your help!
  7. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    If you get stuck on anything, post a question in the relevant repo on Github, best to get the answers on the more odd questions from the developers directly - one some of these even we'd be googling/guessing for you
    BASt_NL likes this.
  8. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    This post is just to help people finding this thread in the future.

    grblHAL Webbuilder defaulted to BBx32: http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32

    Attached different config files to download and load in the webbuilder:
    • Default BBx32
    • Default BBx32 with doorsensor enabled
    • BBx32 with autosquaring on Y enabled
    • BBx32 with autosquaring on Y and doorsensor enabled

    Attached Files:

  9. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    Plenty of room here on the right:


    Would it be possible to show the troubleshooting triggers there?


    And on a related note.... is it possible to show the red leds on BBx32 for motor errors as a troubleshooting trigger as well?
    (See also this question in the grblHAL webbuilder thread)
  10. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    Since my latest machine update, the BBx32 is out of direct view.
    I've had a couple of moments where one motor is stalled.
    While the box is out of direct view, i never spotted the motor leds lighting up.

    I would have expected one of two things;
    Either the controller would turn into a fault state (and not run any motor movement)
    Or Openbuilds Control would somehow indicate a an error, either on the troubleshooting page or on the main page. (see also this question in the macro thread)

    Would this be enabled/disabled by using one of these 2 options in the grblHAL webbuilder?

  11. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    No, our stepper drives are not able to provide that functionality (takes up too many pins)

    If the driver isn't going into fault, it would not have raised the fault in software either

    If it stalls, its either wiring (intermittent break), current setting too high (dial down), or incorrect Acceleration/Max Rate settings (tune machine profile correctly). Rather than it stalling all the time and then wanting to know about, rather spend the effort and fix it so it stop stalling - the way its supposed to be?
  12. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    oh absolutely. And i thought i had it figured out, locked it up; and it ran fine for a few jobs.

    Turns out i didnt.

    and yes it is either overcurrent or incorrect accelleration; i've switched from a 1,8kg AMB spindle to a 5,5kg HuanYang spindle, and had to play with the current (up) and acceleration (down) to handle the weight.

    back to troubleshooting it is :)
    (And thats where i started wondering if it was supposed to show up in Openbuilds Control)
  13. BASt_NL

    BASt_NL New

    Sep 9, 2022
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    And i see you moved my other question in the macro to this thread, but that only counts for the 'related question'.
    the showing of troubleshootingtriggers in the header is something that can probably be done by the macros, just like any other layout change.

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