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Question: tape splitting, split jobs, pausing overnight, etc

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by jltcet, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. jltcet

    jltcet Well-Known

    Oct 24, 2023
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    I think I already know the answer to this but maybe not.
    Lately I’ve been running projects that are all day or longer to complete. Simple question is. Is it possible to shut down the system Black box, Controller, and power at night. And start right back where you left off. Or do I just let it idol all night like I do now. I guessing it’s impossible.
    Thanks in advance
  2. Alex Chambers

    Alex Chambers Master
    Moderator Builder

    Nov 1, 2018
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    You can split longer jobs into shorter segments (tape splitting) using the Openbuilds post processor for Fusion.

    Fusion 360 CAM changes

  3. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    Yes you can stop and resume a job, but you need several things done right to make it work.
    home the machine. always.
    if you disturb the setup in any way, re-probe the material accurately to set the work origin.
    Reprobe the tool if you changed that at all.
    Using OpenbuildsCONTROL, you can restart the Gcode , skipping stuff already cut. Best to re-start from the beginning of a section.
    Wizards and tools | Recover stoped/crashed job

    As Alex mentioned, if you are using Fusion360 you can 'tapesplit' the Gcode into timed chunks.
  4. jltcet

    jltcet Well-Known

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Wow!! Ok good to know. Thanks I dont use F360 much Still working out bugs with he hight stating point. But Ya Great Ill look into it. Thanks again
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Sounds like you aren't homing or homing but incorrectly. Or not using our Post as you should?

  6. jltcet

    jltcet Well-Known

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Homing correctly yes no problem there but to tell the truth I do better with video then reading how to it makes more sense king of like a hands on type approach is you will.
    Thanks again as always good information here
  7. jltcet

    jltcet Well-Known

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Sorry about the spelling tying on a phone
  8. BillyTheClown


    May 30, 2024
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    >> Thanks I dont use F360 much
    what are you using ? I use Vectric Aspire and you can do tapesplit with the Vectric software as well.

    Splitting your job into smaller bites with Vectric

    vectric products, Vcarve pro Aspire etc,
    have the ability to take a long running job and to break it into multiple smaller gcode files.

    If your like me, you can not run a 30 hour job with out stopping for the night
    or going to the store, so I break my gcode into 2 to 3 hour bites.
    A 30 hour job would be 15 to 20 gcode files.

    To do this you need to make a copy of your post processor file and create a new version
    To do this go into "post processor management" Right click on your post processor
    and select custimize.

    A new entry will be created with a marker to the right showing that it is customized
    right click on the new post processor and select "open file location"

    you can now load this post processor into a text editor
    In my case I used "OpenBuilds GRBL (mm) (!.GCODE).pp"

    here is what I chanted in the file

    POST_NAME = "OpenBuilds GRBL (mm) (*.GCODE)"
    POST_NAME = "OpenBuilds GRBL (mm) (SPLIT25,000) (*.GCODE)"

    and added a new section TAPE Splitting

    TAPE_SPLITTING = 25000 200 "%s_%d.gcode" 1 "YES"

    + Line terminating characters

    and saved this out to file "OpenBuilds GRBL (mm) (SPLIT25,000) (!.GCODE).pp"

    Then back in aspire Post-Processor Managment, I deleted the copy of .pp I first made
    and then imported the modifed file by clicking on the file icon on the bootom of the management screen.
    and going to director C:\ProgramData\Vectric\Aspire\V12.0\My_PostP

    I created post processors that split on 25,000 50,000 100,000 and 150,000 lines
    when it is time to save your gcode, use one of the new post processors and go with the
    one the creates the number of gcode files out that you like

    here is the files from one of the jobs that I just cut each file ran for 2 to 3 hours

    3D Finish 1_1.gcode
    3D Finish 1_2.gcode
    3D Finish 1_3.gcode
    3D Finish 1_4.gcode
    3D Finish 1_5.gcode

    The Vectric documentation on Tape Splitting can be found here

    15. Advanced - Post-Processor Editing

    TAPE_SPLITTING=1000 100 "%s_%d.tap" 1 "YES"

    ** do not use 1000 otherwise it will create hundreds of small files.

    FYI - the Vectric documentation had a typo in it, looks like they fixed it on newer versions,
    but some of the older versions still have the typo

    TAPLE_SPLITTING=1000 100 "%s_%s.tap" 1 "YES"
    should be
    TAPLE_SPLITTING=1000 100 "%s_%d.tap" 1 "YES"

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