Hi, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I'm having a small problem with the flattening wizard. When I enter "Cut depth per pass" and "Final cut depth" it sets them to be the same number. I'm assuming that if I make the final cut depth say 3mm and set the depth per pass at 1mm it should make three 1mm passes. Right now it doesn't matter what I put in for Final Cut Depth...it just changes it to match cut depth per pass. Am I missing something?
Grab a screen recording, maybe we see what you are doing wrong? Are you sure you are TYPING into both fields (not just looking at the empy block with the greyed out sample placeholder values)
Thats just the input field - we don't bother "remembering" all values because once the gcode is created you take it from there as a Job. Wizards done its job, reopening implies setting up a new run Look at the 3D view (or read the gcode) to see the layers...
Something was definitely screwed up in my installation. It would only create one pass of GCode. The "SurfacefinalDepth" key never got updated and was always empty. I have re-installed the software and all appears to be good now. Thanks