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xyz probe

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Trigg, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. Trigg

    Trigg New

    Jun 9, 2020
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    i have the xyz probe. is there a way to have the Z probe default to the correct thickness of the openbuilds xzy probe?? It always defaults to 20mm when the plate is only 9mm
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Then you seem to have the wrong probe selected:

    If you have the XYZ, set the Probe type as OpenBuilds XYZ Probe Plus

    The "Z Touch Plate" is the one we used to sell that looked like this: docs:blackbox:connect-zprobe [OpenBuilds Documentation] and that was +- 20mm thick (not precise, so the need to be able to edit the value if your measured a little different)

    The XYZ probe is manufactured by us, so much more precise, and thus no need to be able to edit the values.

    openbuilds z.png
    #2 Peter Van Der Walt, Aug 13, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  3. David A Vaughan


    Nov 14, 2024
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    Just so I can have confidence in the X,Y,Z offsets you have stored in your OpenBuildsController software that you say there is no reason for me to be able to adjust based on micrometer measurements,
    I would like to confirm what those offsets are set at, even though it appears I can't adjust them.....there's no external configuration file or provision in the Controller to adjust them.
    I did open the Probe option for a custom XYZ probe and saw the default values for the offsets.....the default offset for Z is 8mm, but the actual Z offset for the OpenBuildsXYZ Probe I have is more like 9.017mm.

    I assume those are just default values and do not reflect your probe actuals? At least I hope they don't.

    Please provide the offsets used by your OpenBuildsController software for your XYZ Probe hardware.

    Note: I did measure your XYZ probe for each dimension in two places and found no variation down to 0.0005 which is the best my hand calipers can do, so I agree it's precisely machined as far as that goes.
    However....your parts store claims an accuracy of +-0.003" and that's just not good enough for cutting metal with tolerances of +-0.001". If your stored values are more than 0.001" different than my probe actuals I need to be able to adjust them.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Probe type > Custom > Click the gear
  5. David A Vaughan


    Nov 14, 2024
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    Thanks for the prompt response!

    So entering the actual measurements for the probe in the Edit Custom Probe setup will alter the settings used for operating the OpenBuilds XYZ Probe Plus probing function?
    That's good to know.....but where do you store the data? All I have in the directory I downloaded the Controller software into is the executable....no .ini or other hidden files.

    And what ARE the target values you machine the XYZ probe to?
  6. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes, because that sets the offset used in the macro: If you want to read the source code, review OpenBuilds-CONTROL/app/wizards/probe/probev2.js at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL

    Uses the LocalStorage API Window: localStorage property - Web APIs | MDN for all customizations


    Approx 10mm shoulders, 9mm plate thickness, tolerances are listed in store I think
  7. David A Vaughan


    Nov 14, 2024
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    Okay, thanks! This is what I needed to know.

    As far as the specifications, I don't see those dimensions in the parts store, just machining to .1mm (which is almost 0.004" not .003) and the coating of 2 mikes.

    Somebody has an actual spec sheet somewhere ;-) But that's okay....I now have what I need....thanks again!
  8. David A Vaughan


    Nov 14, 2024
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    Follow-up.....turns out I won't have to modify the probe offsets for my OpenBuilds XYZ Probe to a greater precision after all.

    The software sets these values for the probe:
    xoffset: 10,
    yoffset: 10,
    zoffset: 9,
    name: "OpenBuilds XYZ Probe Plus",

    So I took another look at the difference between actual measurements and the settings.

    Additional careful measurements of the actual offsets on the probe body show agreement with those values well within my tightest tolerance requirements (which is 0.0010" ).
    Z was off by less than 0.0007", X/Y by 0.0003"/0.0006"

    That's what I was hoping to see in your probe.....and it's a much better precision than the 0.0039" you claim (0.01mm).
  9. Ralph Swartz


    Mar 30, 2021
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    I recently been having issues with the xyz probe. The xyz together work fine, but if I change the bit and just select z probe to set the height or depth(depending on how you look at it I guess), it does not calibrate correctly. It will dig down into the project. I can set it manually or do the whole xyz probe and it will work fine.It has been working fine, no issues. I even purchased a new xyz plate and checked the connections both to the probe plate and the black box. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
  10. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    1) Provide the serial log during a Z probe operation
    2) after probing, when you GOTOZERO is it on the surface?
    3) does it maybe crash z axis to top on first clearance move of job
    4) gcode for review
    5) quick video of probe, GOTOZERO and job start for review
  11. Ralph Swartz


    Mar 30, 2021
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  12. Ralph Swartz


    Mar 30, 2021
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    First, Thank you very much for your time and help. I will check the items you had listed when I get back out there(a little chilly right now). I should worded things a little better. Say I am doing a pocket cut out, if only use the z option for the plate, It will travel to the cutting area and then it digs down in. Because the z only does not calibrate correctly. When it is traveling the bit will only be aprox. 1/4 inch of the surface, where at if I do a xyz probe option when the bit travels to the cutting area it will be aprox. 1/2 inch above the work piece.

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