That is the wrong spot. I just confirmed this works so follow the directions at the beginning of this thread after using these two updated photos (go to preferences first see below) But instead of CAM, the menu now appears to have changed to "Manufacture"(see below): Then, as I said, follow these directions at the beginning of this thread.
Thank you very much,, I apologize for being such a noob. I appreciate folks like you and all the help I have been given here.
with this post OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor you can leave it at 'drawing units' or you can select MM or Inch on the post options dialog.
hi Guys why am i getting this error when trying to save gcode? if i use normal GRBL post-processor works fine
It's just telling you that, in setup, you didn't specify which wcs to use, so it's going to use the default of wcs1 (G54). Alex.
It uses the word offset because every wcs is an offset from the machine co-ordinate system. You won't be changing where your job starts. You can ignore it if you want, or change that "wcs offset" box to 1 and the message will go away. Alex.
has anyone had issues with fusion 360 lately ive been trying to post a file but when i try to run it nothing happens not even and alarm but if i try to run an old file it will run just fine
Yes, all grbl users, because Autodesk added a comment to post processors that is too long for grbl. @David the swarfer has re-written the Openbuilds post processor to deal with this ;- docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation] Discussion here;- Life After Fusion 360 Alex.
THIS IS RE-POST: apologies for violating the terms previously.... I was attempting to ask a question about why my cloud Library shows that I uploaded the Cam Post for the OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor when viewing it on my A360 account, on my F360 Assets library, but it won't appear in my cloud posts when I post process the file. Per the attached, it's definitely apparent that my Cloud Library is enabled. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong??
hello folks, I have been using Fusion 360 for some time I design and manufacture, and for some reason unknown to me, yesterday when I attempted to post process my project I got a page from Fusion titled "NC program" I have never seen this page . I can not figure out how to get the Post process page to come back, can anyone help me?,, Thanks
I actually think the same thing happened to me, I feel it may have been because there was an update to Fusion 360 and it lost the path to the post processor? When I restored the post processor I had been using before (I actually downloaded it again to be sure I had the latest) and things went back to normal again.
I notice some of the settings are no longer present in the V2.0.10806 NC Program Post window (see attached). e.g. Has Speed Dial, Spindle on/off delay
Looks like Fusion now forces an 'NCProgram' for all post operations and the display of the options has changed. Pushed a fix just now as Release V1.0.26 Release Release V1.0.26 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor BTW speed dial is no longer an option, the speed dial settings are selected automatically from the type of router selected as the 3 known types have different speed ranges.
hit the legacy button in the preferences. it let me go back to the way it worked the day before .. thanks for the help
Hello every one, i have been trying to post process à plasma cut following using the openbuild post processor and every time the gcode generation fail. i have this message in the log: (Made in : Autodesk CAM Post Processor) (G-Code optimized for Grbl 1.1 / BlackBox controller) (OpenBuilds CNC : GRBL/BlackBox) (Post-Processor : OpenbuildsFusion360PostGrbl.cps V1.0.37) (Units = mm) (Laser UseZ = false) (Laser UsePierce = false) (Arcs are limited to the XY plane: if you want vertical arcs then) (edit allowedCircularPlanes in the CPS file) (Drawing name : Sans nom) (Program Name : test 5MM acier good) (1 Operation (1 : Profil 2D3) ( Work Coordinate System : G54) ( Tool 1: Plasma Cutter Diam = 0.8mm) ( Machining time : 0h:0m:37s) G90 G94 G17 G21 !Error: Failed to post data. See log for details. ############################################################################### Erreur: TOP HEIGHT MUST BE BELOW PLASMA PIERCE HEIGHT (links tab) Error at line: 880 Error in operation: 'Profil 2D5' Failed while processing onSection() for record 279. ############################################################################### Erreur: Failed to invoke function 'onSection'. Erreur: Failed to invoke 'onSection' in the post configuration. Erreur: Failed to execute configuration. Stop time: Sun Dec 10 20:51:58 2023 Post processing failed. thank you!
Exactly as the error says. Your Top height is currently set lower than your Pierce height. Set it correctly, Top height must be below Pierce Height. (you want to Pierce above stock then feed in with the plasma on) Also see OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/ at master · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor Have
Thank you peter for the quick answer, Do you know where i set up the top height? I searched in the tool configuration but cannot find it....newbie....
OK, updated computer/software/fusion.. blah blah blah.. everything good except I could swear it used to auto set the WCS offset to "1" auto before, which I remember having to do at least, but now it doesn't.. and I can't remember how to and searching I didn't find here.. guess I'm searching with wrong keywords? or is in not working anymore? what stupid thing am I missing? thanks!
A fairly recent update to Fusion changed a lot of the manufacturing settings, and as a result, some defaults got lost - might be the case here. Anyway: In Fusion, Manufacturing: On the Post Processing tab of the Setup, Enter '1' in the WCS, right click, and save as your preferred default:
"right click". LOLOLOOLO that's what I had been missing!!!! thanks. Soooo obvious and yet it still eluded me!! yea,. finding the latest update has caused me some real issues, and now the personal version you can no longer export a working file, of any type .. so can't even get a fusion file to the fusion help forums.. only a "link" which doesn't seem to be working.