Why does openbuilds control freeze everytime I load a job, Every single time, Doesnt matter the size of the file, As soon as I hit load job, It freezes, Ive turned off and on all the 3d viewer options etc.., Nothing fixes it, Any suggestions?
Where is the gcode from? (What CAM application, sure its the correct post/dialect?) Please provide a gcode file for review
I have tons of other examples, I have a lead1515 machine, Im using the correct post processor as far as I know
Your post processor is a little outdated (should be on v1.42) but should load as gcode. So next question tried a different PC yet?
I have not, but thats a pretty capable laptop, I run fusion 360 pretty well on it, Ive been using cnccomander as control software and it works fine, loads up gcode instantly, I just like openbuilds better if i can get it working
Well please do, just a comparison test to see - should work. Your CONTROL is up to date right (v1. 0.388)
I'm not sure if the gcode is showing that, but that does not occur in reality, I've ran this particular code numerous times, tool goes up and moves to first operatiin position
Its in G53 (lifts up to couple mm short of Z homing switch, switch trigger point is 0, machine itself is all negative quadrant. Read Frequently Asked Questions)
Regardless, please do the test, so we eliminate other non-PC causes from the test. If it also fails on the other one --- then its NOT that laptop but until you test, we wouldnt know I mean, it loads fine here, so the gcode is OK, so we gotta push onto next thing (and if that doesnt reveal anything we move onto step after that) till we find what it is that causes the issue for you.
after upgrading - my machine also freezes, hitting pause then run allows it to continue for a short time, the freezes again - backing out the install, I use aspire to create my gcode
I reinstalled v1.0.136 - ran the same gcode file with no pause. The only issue I had was the zero for xy was off. Used the probe to zero for both runs, but for some reason the xy was off so far off that the second run did not match the first run and the work piece was not usable. To the store tomorrow to buy more wood.
What machine/controller are you running? If its not a grbl/grblHAL based controller it won't work with the newer stuff. V1.0.136 is suuuuper old Release v1.0.136 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL from January 2019! But did support other types of firmware back then. So maybe you have a controller from back in those days?
lead 1010 with X32 - strange thing I reinstalled v1.0.388 - removed the bit, and ran it, no pause will do more testing this week