Good Morning & thanks for the help in Advance!!! I was having issues with the USB drive on the control so started doing some controller and usb updates..... I am pretty sure I run a black box 4 as it was replaced under warranty in April 2021..... So I updated everything through the open build software. After the updates I noticed pretty late in a milling run the my Z motor was stepping down and taking more then it should out of the cut. Shut everything down and reset power. Z motors still seems to be running badly and it sounds like binding in the motor? Could this be something in the software update? I did need to try and see what my blackbox was so debating if made a loss wire and it is a wiring issue. Just trying to eliminate updates as the problem as its a pain in the butt to get to my black box Thanks again in advance for your help!!! ZGoodz
Whining noise (stall) or rattling, grinding noise (motor wiring) As its also if you have incorrect Z move distances AND stalling noises, its more possible one of your actions wiped your Grbl Settings. If so, simple reload the last good backup from CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Restore backup button
I think you nailed it on the head with the rattling, grinding noise. Will look into the wiring more tonight. Love how quick you guys are to respond and help with our "small World Problems" Keep up the great work
Good Morning!! After reviewing the wiring/Coding not seeing a solution I ended up trying the motor on another vertices and noticed it worked...... Long story short tore apart my Z gantry and re tightening everything up. little bit better but not perfect. IS one supposed to oil the threaded rods or any other parts? (I have not) Short video of the problem/sound Thanks!
Grbl settings backup for review too please? (CONTROL > Grbl Settings tab > Backup Settings button) - seems to want to move quite fast
See @Peter Van Der Walt's post about grbl settings. Don't use oil on your leadscrews (traps dust) - use a dry silicone or PTFE spray lubricant. Alex.