I am helping some students convert a shereline lathe to run on the black box. We've just got everything hooked up and are starting to calibrate, but I believe the default homing cycle for grbl makes this machine home z and then it homes x holding the x-axis with the limit switch to pressed until it homes y. Well we don't have a y-axis so we're just getting stuck on this x-axis home and waiting for y Is there a way to change The grbl firmware settings to home and then only home x?
Set $44=4 (Does Z first up and out of the way before anything else, just good practice in case endmill was down in/on the job - get it up and out of the way before moving another axis) then $45=1 (Does X only, default is =3 which is XY) Its a bitmask: X=1, Y=2, Z=4 - so default of $45=3: [3=2+1] = X+Y at the same time
Yeah the grblHAL wiki not yet as good as the old Grbl Wiki, checkout https://github.com/grblHAL/core/wiki/Additional-or-extended-settings