Hi I have a Chinese Co2 laser that I have changed to run the X32 black box . I have two heads on it 1 : Co2 Laser 2 : Small Diode Laser The Co2 laser was too powerful so that is why two heads . The problem I am having is when the Co2 laser starts to cut it shuts down (with no fault codes ) I can restart the cut 2 or 3 times then it will complete the cut with no further problems .This only happens with the Co2 laser and it does not matter what power it is set to The Co2 laser is triggered with the PWM output to the TH terminal on the Co2 laser and the power is controlled with a potentiometer from the 5 volt rail .All grounds are tied together I am assuming it is a voltage spike .The X 32 has got a power filter on the supply ( didn't make any difference ) has anyone had a similar problem Thanks
What shuts down? BlackBox? If so, log extract on Serial Terminal/Log tab will show if port shutdown by EMI
Thanks Peter. When I say shuts down. The cut starts, cuts a couple of mm and then just stops, the start button is then showing on the laptop so I press it and the cut restarts, sometimes it will keep cutting sometimes not. I will check serial terminal tomorrow. Thanks
In the Serial log ,when it stop's I have this [ ] [ MSG: ] I have added a capacitor from the pwm start signal to ground .Seems to have fixed it Thanks
Not really telling much, if you'd like us to help, we'd need the full picture. One line on its own is a lot less telling than taking the full log, comparing it to the gcode, seeing which commands ran and which didnt. Provide the full log and gcode as requested PWM = pulse train. Adding a capacitor is changing that to a pseudo analog voltage. Laser PSUs EXPECT a pulse train on TH - so while it might looks like it improved something, it really won't and would in fact mess with the controller (can damage BlackBox) and also possibly the Laser PSU (now having to deal with analog voltage on a purely digitial input, won't do power regulation correctly)