Buonasera, è la prima volta che lavoro con una CNC per cui sicuramente farò delle domande stupide. Ho comprato una macchina da Openbuild e utilizzato il Blackbox32. Tutto quello che deve fare la macchina e di seguire un tracciato, e queto sono riuscito a farlo tranquillamente, poi pero dovrei attaccare un motorino, quello che comunemente viene chiamato spindle, che lo utilizzero co e encoder per lavanzamentp del lavoro. Avevo fatto delle prove con una algtra scheda, dove cera luscita direttamene "spindle" per cui nessun problema, nel Blackbox32 non riesco a capire come lo devo collegare. Grazie dell' aiuto.
Sorry, i am very stupid. My PC has translated directly my post in Italian. I retry. Is the first time that i use an CNC machine and try to usen Gcode. My question is very simple. I need to connect a simply gear motor to the machine, in order to obtain a signal form an encoder connected. IO have done some trials with another board, where there is a plug named "spindle" and with command M3 my motor is running. I have buyed a CNC at Openbuild and the controller Blackbox32, but i haver not idea where connecting my gear motor. That is all. Please, can yoiu aid me? Thank you in advance.
We have logic signals for driving a IoT relay docs:blackbox-x32:connect-dewalt-iotrelay [OpenBuilds Documentation], or a VFD spindle Gear motor: Might need to add a motor controller in between (PWM signal > motor controller > motor)
Thank you. I try to guess. If i connect an 24V rele in the plug "Tool", at the command M3 my rele switch to on, at the command M5,the 24 V rele switch off. Is correct?
Relay is for signalling (VFD enable / fwd / rev, and Plasma Enable etc). Not meant for powering loads
Yes, i know, but i can connect an optoisolated Relay, In this case noload is applied, or i can use a simple driver for DC notor.
Yes you can use an isolated relay, or a motor controller that matches your gear motors requirements. We provide standard logic signals (enable, PWM, even 0-10v) just find a driver that accepts it (PWM most likely) SPDT relay - used for VFDs FWD/REV inputs, flips between NC and NO for M3/M4 (or other way round, check with multimeter) but NB only for signalling (Dry contact relay, not a power relay)
So, if i have understood, in the plug named "Tool", normally i have 0V betwenn Gnd an ENAB, at the comand M3 i get +12V, at the command M4 -12V, at the command M5 return to 0V. Correct?
No, its logic signals. Not 12v! 0v for off, 3.3v 10mA for on. Tool Enable = 0/3.3v binary on/off (used to arm a tool) PWM = 03.3v variable duty cycle pulse train (used for speed for controllers that support PWM input for speed) 0-10v = analog 0-10v scaled voltage for spindle speed (typically VFDs) - but very low current, again just a SIGNAL DIR = dry contact, no voltages, its contacts of relay moving between NC and NO
Ah ok, Is a TTL Logic. Comand.M3 plug "Tool" go on (3.3v), Plug "Pwm" pulse berween 0 and 3.3 ( depending by the value of command S, plug "Relay2", no movement (remain in No), command M4, all the same but the replay 2 switch in Nc.
Essentially yes, but 3.3v (TTL was mainly 5v back in the day) - but same, just a logic signal "tool plug" = TOOL ENABLE yes docs:blackbox-x32:layout [OpenBuilds Documentation] (Section 2(h)) Always a 3.3v pulse train, not 0 to 3.3v - but the width of active section the pulses changes (duty cycle) Essentially yes
Ok, for the Pwm i know the method, regarding the 3.3 volt i remember that in ttl Logic the 3.3 v is the minimum value to get the commutation. Thanks you . Very very kindly,
Yes, but beware to not connect the 3.3v pins to higher voltage devices (like a relay with a 5v pullup, or a motor driver with stray voltage on the input pins)