Hi there, My first post on here, been reading a lot. I'm putting the final touches on a Stronghold One machine. I'm seeing that the gantry is running slightly out of square.The frame itself is square. I've been looking at setting up autosquare on the blackbox V32 So: can autosquare be done on a Blackbox, or not? If so, could you point me towards a resource for it, if not, how do I go about squaring the gantry? Thanks in advance, Peter
Go to http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32 Setup custom options as needed (Eg setting Y to AutoSquared) Generate and download Flash using CONTROL Wire Y2 switch parallel to Z Note the other discussions on forum - the warnings are quite valid. Don't use motors to pull a skew machine into square. Fix it by tramming! Tramming: A generic guideline
Thanks a lot!!! Seems I'll have to research a bit more about the other grblHAL options, but I can get started.
Are your limit switches the normally open or normally closed kind? That is important to know if the switches need to be connected parallel or serial.
If its our switches, similar to how'd you wire the 2nd one on a standard axis as shown in 2nd half of docs:blackbox-x32:connect-xtension-limit [OpenBuilds Documentation] except instead of a "2nd Z" switch your 2nd Y switch is wired in paralle with the Z switches. The firmware knows Z homes before XY, so when "z" is triggered by the 2nd Y axis switch, it knows its for the squaring axis. Read more here; grbl/grbl/config.h at master · gnea/grbl
After reading, I'm not sure I understood correctly. Should the wiring diagram look like this - I attach the drawing. I would like it to work like this video -
Hello again, I have two more questions: 1) Is this likely to work on regular limit switches? 2) If it doesn't work (no response) on the Y2 limit switch (according to the schematic I wrote down in the earlier pdf) could the cause be a badly uploaded firmware from this site http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32 to my controller?
1) Any switches as long as they are wired up correctly 2) I don't think Y2 can be tested in Troubleshooting, what happens if you test by homing? 3) Double check you configured the custom firmware correctly and reflash to make sure. Make sure the flash is successful. Check the output during connection to see the Build Date - should be newer than our included version (May 2023)
Hello again. Thanks to your help on the usual autosquareh stubs it started to work properly I bought NPN NC inductive sensors and replaced the usual limit switches with inductive ones. And the problems started. BB X32 does not see those hooked up together to the Y2 and Z axes. I tried various solutions swapped places, rewired cables, checked connections unfortunately without success. The other sensors work fine. I would appreciate any tips I'm running out of ideas how to solve this
Inductives cannot be wired for Y2/Z on one port. Not without additional electronics. They aren't a "switch" so don't work well in series/parallel.
I didnt know this. What if one was still an openbuilds switch? I was only going to use inductives on Y.
With a switch, unsure. Parallel wiring with Normally Open NPNs sometimes work (omrom vs fakes etc). But the NC ones can't serial.
Thank you for the information this is what I was afraid of I am facing a lot of work with rebuilding the installation.
Easier option is always to stick to our products. Xtension Limits works with all these configs but also a little more precise than Inductives (they tend to wander quite a bit)
You are definitely right. I will pay for my bad decisions with extra work and lost time. Again, thank you very much for your help and support.
There seems to be a lot of confusion for Y axis auto-squaring. With a perfectly squared machine things can happen that cause the Y axis motors to go out of sync. I followed Peters link "http://svn.io-engineering.com:8080/?driver=ESP32&board=BlackBox X32" Selected Y axis auto-squared, clicked" Generate and download the firmware". I flashed the blackBox x32 with the new firmware. I spent some time getting the homing directions setup correctly and auto-square works wonderfully. I am using inductive proximity sensor switches on all axis. I placed one on each end of the Y axis and wired them in parallel. Select the Home icon and the Z axis homes to the top and backs off correctly then, X and Y start moving toward their respective home. The Y axis hits one of the limits and backs off then goes through a procedure to determine that is is an equal distance from both Y limits. (The process moves one Y motor at a time so It can determine which limit it is hitting). I adjusted the limits to make sure the Y axis motors sync up. I have attached my settings file because there are several settings that must be correct to make this all work. Your settings may differ. I hope this helps to clear some of the confusion. Peter, Please review this to make sure it is stated correctly and add any comments as needed.
I have auto squaring but only need it as I am really bad at leaving tools lying around on the axis rails and machining area My machine has a dual-motor Z as well as a dual-motor Y, so it is twice as easy for 'user error' to knock the machine out of square. I am with Peter on this one in that auto-squaring should always be a secondary tool for a machine that is aligned to be square during build, but I do find it very handy when I have messed up and nearly crushed my sander again! I use a mix of microswitches and inductive sensors with the XYYZZ design: there are a couple of switch locations that are hard to keep clear of debris, and I had a microswitch jam, so I use inductive there instead. It is really easy though to mount inductive sensors in ways that are very imprecise, and you need good ones to start to get close to the accuracy of a microswitch. Microswitches are so versatile as you can use them in both 'collision' and 'roll-over' modes and get very similar accuracy, but an inductive in 'roll-over' mode is asking for trouble. Evan
Collision: Hit switch head-on Roll Over Passes by the switch, pressing the roller as it goes, can move beyond switch (but stops because of switch triggering software to stop)
Collision mode is where the sensing plate is approaching the sensor head-on, and if the switch activation does not stop the machine, the sensor may get damaged. The roll-over mode is where the sensing plate could pass-by the sensor if the motors do not stop. For a microswitch, it is usually best if the lever arm has a roller on it if you are going to use the roll-over mode. EDIT: Peter has just done a much better job in posting pictures while I was typing!
And in the real world, thats usually either incorrectly wired (loose terminals or the like) or forgot to enable Hard Limits/Homing in Grbl Settings
For an inductive sensor in the collision mode, the metal plate can cover the full area of the sensing element, and as the plate gets closer, the sensing signal rises rapidly, allowing the best precision and repeatability to be achieved. In the roll-over case, there needs to be a small gap between the sensor plate and the head of the inductive sensor, and as the plate passes over the sensor, the sensing area that is covered grows, eventually triggering the sensor. The big problem that occurs is that vibrations in the machine (and there will always be some even on very rigid setups) alter the clearance distance between the sensor head and the plate, changing the point where the 'area coverage' trigger would occur. The repeat accuracy (i.e. the precision) is often poor. A micro-switch in roll-over mode is usually far less sensitive to variations in the gap height regarding when the trigger point occurs, although microswitches are still most precise in the collision mode too where there is only one gap that can vary. EDIT: Yes as Peter has noted, a failure in the collision-mode is often down to a one-off issue in configuration, or that a wire has broken; a software crash is very unlikely to keep pulsing a stepper. To be on the safer side, if using collision mode, I always wire my switches as normally-closed so that if a wire breaks, it looks like a switch activation.
Thank you for the insight. I always try to mount both types of limit switches in rollover mode. I tend to trust solid state over mechanical but in this case I believe you are right. The sensing distance is max 4mm gap. if anything moves inductive sensers could become collision casualty. It makes sense to use normally closed switches (like E-Stop)for safety reasons. My next objective is to build a floating torch head. lastly I need to figure out how to wire the arduino THC to a 1:1 signal from a Lotos LTP5500D-cnc. I am hoping to use a simple resistive voltage divider. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I had auto-squaring working but something has changed. Now the Y axis hits one limit Backs off Then the other side moves toward the limit and back as if it had hit the other limit but in fact it did not and remains out of square. Any clues as to what is wrong?