Hi I have the blackbox x32 on my ultimate bee. When trying to home, the z and the x go the right way but the y goes the wrong way. I keep getting alarm for triggering the limit switches x and y. when I look to see the settings for the limit switches 2 are triggered and one is not. I have checked the wiring 3 times and connections. If I click on the reset to factory settings and start again will this solve my problems? Thanks for your help.
1) Make sure machine JOGS correctly first (same directions as arrows on buttons). If thats not correct, correct Direction Invert in Grbl Settings $3 first 2) Once machine jogs correctly / if machine already jogs correctly, go to $23 in Grbl Settings and tell Grbl where you placed the homing switches, at the axis's Min or Max side for each axis Make sure $5 is correct. We strongly recommend you use Xtension Limit Switch Kit for all axes, and then you'd need to have $5=7 in Grbl Settings. No