I have tried everything except for what will work. I create a part in FreeCAD and export it to a .dxf file. When I Open Drawing in OpenBuilds CAM, the .dxf comes in with 3 of the 8 arcs incorrectly and unusable. When I export the part as a .svg file and bring it into CAM, the lines and arcs are all as drawn but all of the dimensions are smaller than as drawn. I did use the FreeCAD created .svg file to create a G-code in CAM and then use CONTROL to send it to my JD Garage's plasma table. It cut out perfectly save for the fact it was smaller than drawn by about 9%. I am probably doing something stupid but for the life of me I just can't see it. HELP!
Should be Polylines: See docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation] Fixing example: Problems with importing DXF into OBcam SVGs are unitless (DPI to get from pixel to inch) always tricky, trick is to export at the correct DPI usually 96DPI, but some applications (and even versions) have their own defaults just to add to the confusion Code: if (editor == "inkscape") { if (version > 0.91) { dpi = 90; } else if (version > 1.0) { dpi= 96; } else { dpi= 96; } } else if (editor == "illustrator") { dpi= 72 } else if (editor == "Opentype.js") { dpi= 57 } else { dpi= 96; // Default } 90 divided by 96 = 0,9375 - so maybe you exported at 90dpi instead of 96dpi. FreeCAD must be another culprit ignoring the more standard 96DPI. Either way, use DXF - way better, just make sure its clean (DXF R14, Polylines only, make sure its good clean closed vectors) Same advise applies to almost all CAMs, the cleaner the DXF the easier it is for them to understand the file