I am new to this community and am in the process of building a custom sized Acro DrawBot for use in my shop. My new DrawBot frame will be 72 Inch by 200 inches. My plan is to build the frame using some OpenBuilds connectors, and some custom connectors and hardware. To this I would like to use the Electronics and Controls which I want to purchase from Open Builds. I am Drawing / Printing flattened pattern lines from Rhino 3D projects. Which electronics and motor package would be best to ensure the quickest time to get this up and running?
Checkout CNC Electronics Bundle - will do fine, ACRO uses NEMA17s - full kit comes with everything. Might need some substructure to keep it solid - rails on the sides of a table for example, How to calculate V-Slot® deflection - lasers are quite sensitive to focus distance, vertical deflection/droop can knock it out of focus over a table that long if you wanted to use suspended rails like the Acro does. Make sure you can load your files into GitHub - SonarSonic/DrawingBotV3: DrawingBotV3 is a software for converting images into vector art
Hi Peter, Considering I am trying to find the most direct path to "Drawing" I think the "CNC Electronics Bundle" will be purchased as soon as I am comfortable with the V-Slot rails that I've put together with the Stepper Motor plates and wheels, I will be buying the ACRO Motor and Controller bundle. Now, on to the second part of your response above: I am assuming the Controller is able to take DXF files directly from RHINO 7 Exports? If not, can you tell me how I will be drawing my flattened model parts with the ACRO DrawBot? Thank you very much for your help. Ralph G
Checkout docs:scribe:drawbotv3 [OpenBuilds Documentation] - DrawbotV3 is quite a nice drawing/plotting app Also see DrawingBotV3 – Transform photos into drawings, effortlessly and Index — Drawing Bot V3 1.6.10 documentation If the DXFs are good and clean docs:software:file-errors [OpenBuilds Documentation] you can also run them through OpenBuilds CAM
AWESOME!!! Thank you for your quick response. These are very helpful docs. One final question (for now) How does one adjust the scale / size of the "Working Area"? My system will very likely be at least 66 Inches wide and as much as 144 inches long.... See image
Cool! I am thinking about uploading / converting my projects from VERY CLEAN .DXF to G-Code using OpenBuilds CAM. Thank you very much.