I'm getting reports that Vectric are saying that the OB post processor for Vectric software (specifically Vcarve) V11 is not supported and that people should us a post processor provided by Vectric. I don't have V11 Vectric software, so I can't investigate this myself, but the person I was trying to help says that the Vectric post processor turns the spindle off during rapid moves and then on again for the next cut move. Any thoughts on this people? (@David the swarfer, @sharmstr) Alex.
They changed the way the post works in V11. So if you upgrade and you were using the OB post that OB has posted in the resources before, you need to switch to the built in Vectric post. (OpenBuilds GRBL (mm) (*.GCODE) and OpenBuilds GRBL (in) (*.GCODE). It works great. It was a bit confusing to setup after the upgrade because it tried to use the old one and the names are the same. So, they need to go ino the machine config management screen, delete everything in Associated Post-Processors Click on + to add new post Click on the download from cloud button on the bottom right Click yes to get updated posts Scroll down the list and choose which Openbuilds post they want to add (mm or in) Done. If they need help, they can hit me up. @Peter Van Der Walt : Maybe update the docs since the screens are different now? I'm sure you have all the time in the world to do it
No, haven't looked at the g-code file yet - was my bedtime when this came up last night. I suspect the issue was the need to delete the OB post to avoid the name clash. Alex.
Downloading V11 now - will update docs this week Definately has Laser Mode enabled... G0=off, G1/2/3=on (as it should for lasers, not for spindles)
Thanks @David the swarfer, @Peter Van Der Walt -have passed that on. Alex. As David and Peter predicted, the OP has just confirmed that laser mode was the issue, so thanks to you both on his behalf (have suggested he joins the forum)
Vectric cannot do Plasma as far as I know. At least not with our posts. Use OpenBuilds CAM or our Fusion360 post https://github.com/OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Fusion360-Postprocessor/blob/master/README-plasma.md
FYI, in Aspire 12.0, you must choose "GRBL G-CODE mm" as if you choose "inch" mode, you will get a tiny version of your design.
that means the inch post is not putting a G20 code in the header, this tells the controller to regard incoming numbers as inches. G21 tells it to expect millimeters. Every Gcode file should have the expected code at the top so you don't get surprises and don't have to remember to put the controller in the right mode before starting.