I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it... Versions 1.0.374 onwards don't work on my old iMac. Software starts and seems to connect to controller but not reading anything from it. No errors I can see. Any ideas? .
I see a WCH Serial device, so knockoff Arduino? (CH431 USB chip, not the more usual AT8u4 from official arduinos) so could be USB drivers (Newer version of CONTROL does use the drivers to do the autoreset properly)
Don't think I've ever seen a genuine Arduino in about 15 years! It's not the end of the world as still works fine with previous versions. Will try with a different board just out of interest. I've an ESP32 board arriving in a few days anyway so will be swapping things round. Thank for the help
Should also consider supporting BlackBox Motion Control System X32 (Full access to tech support for software etc )
I would absolutely love buy a Blackbox but always seem to be a bit skint for such things. If this CNC hobby could only generate me some spending money! The Control software is by far the best out there in my opinion so I'm sure the hardware is just as good
Oh - meant to say - the board that doesn't work on the Mac with the latest build does work on latets build PC version. I'll delete the Mac driver, reinstall, try again... update - nope - tried Silabs and latest CH340 driver for Mac but no go