I still haven't finished assembling my mill. But i would like to widen the x axis to the same as the y axis before building any further as well as push the router out a couple inches further. I would like to know if it is possible to order an expansion kit capable of this. I am also interested in a good bolt on vice if you have them. I am mostly going to use this for wood, carbon fiber and plastic handgun grips, aluminum, plastic and carbon fiber gun parts, aluminum, wood and carbon fiber knife handle components and very rarely steel gun slides. So something that works for this. Also, do you by any chance sell a wrench kit?
Which machine do you have? We do have Ball-End Screwdriver Set, OpenBuilds 8mm Spanner Wrench and Allen Wrench Set, which should be all you need to build any OpenBuilds Kit machine
If you let us know We can offer more advise on the other questions. Right now we have no idea what machine you have, so can't tell you what you need to extend it
Thanks! OK so with the Minimill, it gets trickier - expansion could be a problem. Because its not a gantry style machine, you can't just extend extrusions (like swopping a 250mm X-axis for the next size up 500mm). It could start to lose rigidity and could become too flimsy to work correctly. (carriage won't be under work to support the cutting loads anymore). You could add a slighly larger (custom cut) like a 300mm or so maybe. There are a couple example builds here you can use as inspiration: - Beefed up Minimill - Big-X Minimill - Minimill with slight modifications and v-slot table We don't supply any, but you can use your MiniMill to make a or MakerSL MSL-8 OB Vise or you can go with MakerSL style vice - using just off-the-shelf-parts (NB UNTESTED WIP)
Yes!, all our machines are made from components in our modular parts catalog. Longer piece of C-Beam, longer leadscrew - rest you can reuse (Leadscrew should be at least 40mm longer than whatever extrusion length you go for) C-Beam Linear Rail 8mm Metric Lead Screw If you need custom cuts, speak to Support > new ticket
Looks like i am stuck buying a router from you anyway. Been trying to avoid it (for $ reasons) but i think i definitively lost that fight this morning. Oh well. Will get the wrenches at least.
Sorry. To be clear, I wasn't being critical of your rour router. The opposite actually. I just didn't want to have to buy one at all but the one i have is going to take way more time and resource to build an adapter for than it's worth. If i have to buy one, i am getting what makes the most sense to me which is yours.
I will do that, but it may have to wait till later this year or next. Got a big project going on and spending every cent on it. Yesterday's order was prrtty much the limit for now. BTW. I am impressed with how fast you get stuff in the mail.
I just finished putting it together. But the video tutorials mention something about an LED light ring thing. I didn't see it in my electronics package and i am guessing it's not a mandatory part of the build?
In any case, here it is. As i said. The body is a knockoff i got for Christmas. The rest is stuff i ordered myself from you folks. I have to make some knife guards and hilts soon. So if i can install and use the basic functions of a CAD program well enough, i may try it out on them in the near future.
Well, i am having a terrible time with software. I expected the software to be the hard part but not half this bad. The tutorials all point to software that i could not find on your website at all. It appears all the tutorials arr outdated as they point to programs that are not there and the ones that are work completely different. Do far i can't even get the computer and the black box to even talk to one and other. I am at a loss. No clue how to get anything to work. And like i said, none of the tutorials are helpful at all. They all lead to very quick dead ends.
top of this screen 'software' leads to OpenBuilds Software: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM - FREE software to run your CNC, Laser, Plasma or Pen Plotter top of this screen 'documentation' leads to documentation for all the products. choose the correct Blackbox, X32 if you bought it recently. in CONTROL run the calibration wizard use the toubleshooter to check that limit switches work correctly. then make sure that all 'tool movement' is in the correct direction and set directions of axes correctly (remember you have moving table so 'too right' for X+ is 'table going left') then attempt to home and adjust homing directions as needed. on youtube, go to the openbuilds channel and watch the video 'hello world tutorial'
Skipped section 4 of the BlackBox Docs by any chance? (Driver install): docs:blackbox-x32:install-drivers [OpenBuilds Documentation] otherwise comprehensive USB Connection FAQ on docs:blackbox-x32:faq-usb-connection-failed [OpenBuilds Documentation] Just plain software dot openbuilds dot com will get you there, but also see the entire Software section of the documentation: docs is at docs dot openbuilds dot com