Completely put open builds lead 1515 machine together. Y and Z Axis move without any issues however X-Axis makes the noise, motor turns but no movement on X Axis. Use socket on tension nut and moved X Axis left and right w/no issues…took motor off and put back on but same…loosened nut block but didn’t help…double checked wiring but no issues there…uploaded a video to show what’s going on…any help would be very much appreciated
No video uploaded. If you can, show us a video of the connection between the motor and the leadscrew when the motor is turning. Alex.
So you say the motor spins. Does the leadscrew spin? Is the leadscrew in the nutblock? Is the nutblock attached to the plate? If the motor is spinning, but machine not moving, something is loose and not transferring the torque Or... Is the motor actually not spinning?
Motor trys to spin but coupling moves only a little when motors engaged…lead screw won’t turn but is inside of both nut blocks which are attached to the plates
Just to confirm your answer to my previous question, does the motor turn if you take it off completely? If it does can you turn the leadscrew by hand (with the motor still off the machine) all the way from one end of the axis to the other. Alex.
Affirm motor turns when I take it off completely …can’t hand turn lead screw…just picked up some silicon lube and going to run the lead screw in and out to see if that’s the issue
That could well be the problem - nutblocks are often stiff when new. I use a battery drill to grip the leadscrew and run the leadscrew back and forth until it runs easily. Also check that the nutblocks are not too tight - the aim is to have each one touching one side of the thread, but not gripping it tightly. Alex.
Once you have everything running smoothly you should probably check your current settings. docs:blackbox-x32:currentadjustment [OpenBuilds Documentation] Alex.
Wow, This is why I just logged on. My build is complete and all my axis have this same problem. Motors all run fine. When attached I get that chattering issue on all. Wish I knew about the drill trick during the build. Also, how much lube should I use and which is the recommended lube to use.
Dry PTFE or Silicone spray is the lubricant to use on leadscrews. You don't need to use a lot. Also check that you have good connections on your stepper motor wiring. Alex.
Video of the noise will help us confirm. Binding leadscrews are more of a stall+high pitched whine. Chattering (shaking) is more like wiring. Though each of us probably has our own words we'd type to describe the different sounds, so its hard to confirm from a description of a sound. A clip would help us confirm for sure.
Understood. Let me first try the suggestions from above because his videos are just like what I'm dealing with. Thanks for the support
I removed all the stepper motors and checked each axis for binding. Only one axis has some binding and I will address it. The others are smooth and easy to turn. I then ran the stepper motors in turn. Not only did I get chattering on all but one, I noticed that they were not rotating. The shaft would occasional rotate on command and others would just vibrate and not rotate. I am pulling the wires from the plugs that came with the Black Box kit and will solder all the wires and then put them back into the plug. I'll test the first and if it works I will do all wires. Honestly, this was an issue I never anticipated.
Ok, I tinned the wires coming off the stepper motors thus ensuring good electrical contct. I then hooked up one stepper and jogged it. I had it at peak current. No change. I can hold the output shaft lightly and it wont turn. NO torque. NEMA 23's all your electronics and I can't get any torque out of them. If I can find a stepper tester I will see what happens but right now I'm stumped.
Fault indicator lit? (all the way up is usually way too high, set current about halfway up (factory default = perfect for our NEMA23s) , all the way up likely triggers Fault LED for overcurrent condition) Could be docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation]
I put a stepper motor tester on one stepper. Checked wiring and volts (24) Same issue, motors chatter, go in one direction then reverse. These are old motors but they are the same as wht you sell today. Fromm what I'm reading the issue seems to come down to not enough voltage/amps going to the stepper.
My motors are from 2013. It turns out that the wiring guides on this site did NOT correspond to my motors, mine are yellow/blue and red/green. After using your testing page I was able to identify the coil pairs and to my surprise they are not the same as what was in the most recent manual. Regardless, thanks for getting me in the right direction. It was a worthwhile learning process and I can't get made when I learn something new. Cheers- Paul
Yes, that is a long time ago, color codes in documentation are for current stock (or at least last 7-8 years now). Luckily that's what makes docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] nice, ignore the colors and find the actual coil pairs directly.
Sorry, one last question. Do I determine CW/CCW mothing from the front of the motor, looking at the drive shaft or the rear without the protruding shaft. I assume that the direction of motion relates to the + and - of the paired wires. That flipping the paired wires between + and - changes the direction in which the shaft rotates. Thanks
1-2-3-4 vs 4-3-2-1 Install it on machine, determine if axes moves right way (arrows on jog buttons match real world moves)
Thanks again. Really getting excited to see how this performs. Yea, 13 years is a long time but two kids and an 80 hour a week job really messes with life. It took us 3 day to build this machine and your heart drops when all that work seems naught. So I'll try your suggestion and make note of the CW/CCW directions because too much info is never enough (LOL).