There is about 20' between my Mac and X32, obviously using USB that far away has caused some issues. Question is, has anyone used USB over ethernet adapters to connect the two? My thought is as follows; Mac to - usb/ethernet adapter - 15-20' Cat-6a cable - usb/ethernet adapter to X32 usb-b port. Communication protocols are not my forte, is this setup possible?
Sounds like it might cause EMI problems (those cheap adapters are just extending the wires) Why not use Wifi: docs:blackbox-x32:wifi_setup [OpenBuilds Documentation]
I was looking at the shielded versions of those as well as shielded 6a connectors, do you think that would still end in the same result? X32 is in a metal enclosure and wasn't sure that WiFi would be consistent due to that, your thoughts?
Try first Still most of them just makes the USB cable longer. But your call to play with it after all Otherwise: Interface?
will do! Any experience with configuring this to work or possibly a direction to look? I can obviously google but not sure the best terms to search for the specific protocols, etc..
Not a Black Box, but a remote terminal for a CNC controller… All worked as advertised: looked like a USB port at each end, but LAN in between. I can’t see why it wouldn’t work with a BB. (This was a proper USB over LAN setup, not some ‘magic box’ that just extended the cables.)
How did it end up working? Where did you get the product from? Did it have a name that others could look up?
As above, it worked without problems. The device in question was from SIIG. It was a 4 port one, which would likely be overkill for what's being discussed here. I think it was this one: 4-Port USB 2.0 Hub Extender There are many other manufacturers and some off-brand versions on Amazon, etc. that are much cheaper, but I don't have any recommendations.
Very nice I'm glad it worked out. And hopefully this will now help someone else with us in their problem.
my own experience with USB via UTP extenders comes down to 'do not bother' though a good brand one that is powered may work just fine. The one I bought can operate a keyboard or mouse ok (USB1 speed) , but I bought it to extend a webcam (USB2 speed) , which will not work, not even through 2 feet of UTP cable.
The ones I have are designed for USB-C to CAT-6A ethernet (X32 side I used a USB-C to USB-B adapter at the controller), these are not "extenders" but actual USB over LAN devices. Issue I've had thus far, is simply getting them to connect or even see each other for that matter. My lack of knowledge in the communication field is apparently not helping at all.... , this coupled with suggestions from this forum have pushed my efforts in other directions, at least for the time being. My X32 is in a metal enclosure, which has obviously all but completely eliminated WiFi signal. My next thought / question is, would it be possible to mount a USB WiFi antenna outside my enclosure, then run the cable into the enclosure and connect it to the X32s USB port?
USB is not Wifi Also, no antenna port on BlackBox Take the BB out of the Metal box Going too far of the standard ways we show, just creates more problems. We mount BlackBox directly on the back of most machines (see our machine videos)
Maybe I didn't explain that very well, I meant a WiFi antenna that connects to a device via USB, like this. Part of the reason I started buying OB equipment and participating on the forums was due to the whole "open" concept culture of sharing ideas and learning. Simply plugging something in and saying "look, it works" does nothing for someone wanting to learn how things work or why/when they are implemented. I would completely understand the status quo thought process if this thread was started as a customer service issue but that was not my intent. I've already moved my mac within a couple feet of the controller (actually did so before I started this thread) but I also wanted to investigate other, maybe outside the box, potential means of accomplishing the same task. Either way, cheers!
Yes, antenna would be RF only, thats not an antenna, thats a Wifi Adapter. And no, still wrong kind of USB then (Both are devices. That adapter you have there plugs into a HOST like a Computer not into another USB Device) (Antenna picture for reference, just RF Radio Freq) - note also not an option for BlackBox, just clarifying Antenna vs Adapter) Of Course yes, thats why you've had a team of people in here telling you the adapters are essentially a bad idea (unless you go for the expensive setups) and also advising you that placing your BlackBox in a metal box will a) just complicate the setup when we provide awesome, easy to use Wifi and b) not sure why you have it in a metal box, but it would be lax of me to NOT advise you that your compounding EMI problems (Fix source, don't shield symptom), increasing likelihood of overheating, etc. That much I have to do, to protect your purchase and keep warranty in tact Sometimes learning comes with bad news