About 15 years ago, I was given a Phoenix GS CNC router/engraver with outdated electronics. I replaced the electronics with Spark Concepts CNC xPro V3 controller and three Steppersonline DM860T drivers. Today, I found out that the Y-Axis was not working properly. The Y-Axis had a mind of its own - sometimes it moves in wrong direction. I checked to see if any wires are loose but no wires are loose. The LEDs on the CNC xPro controller are red instead of green and the LEDs on the drivers are green. I can't buy Blackbox32 because the stepper motors require 48 VDC. I remember seeing a list of CNC controller boards that have ESP32 chips on them but I can't find the list. There is Drawing Robot at Instructables but I'm not sure if it will work. I saw 6x CNC Controller for FluidNC (integrated ESP32) but I'm not sure if it will work. Drawing Robot - Wifi Bluetooth USB CNC Shield Grbl_Esp32 : 25 Steps - Instructables 6x CNC Controller for FluidNC (integrated ESP32) from Bart Dring on Tindie Any suggestions?
Sounds like the symptoms when only 3 of the 4 motor wires has contact throughout - probably just a break inside a cable at a strain point (inside insulation, replace cable) - see known symptom in section 1 of docs:blackbox-x32:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] (applies to all stepper motors not only BlackBox) A length of cable much cheaper and less disruptive as a first quick test
I have a spare Arduino Uno board to use if the wires going to the stepper motors are good. I found out that ESP32 boards are only 3.3V, not 5V required by external stepper motor drivers. I found the list of 32-bit CNC controller boards at GitHub - grblHAL/Controllers: List of controllers supported by grblHAL If I have to buy a new CNC controller board, which one?
But still, why would you need to, your symptoms doesn't point at a controller problem, see my reply above?
I'll check the wiring on Monday. I'm worried about the wires going into the stepper motors. When I use test meter to check the wires, if the wires are good, what the meter should display?
If there is a break inside the wire, it may not show up as a problem until the machine is in motion and the cable starts flexing. A simple test is as Peter suggested and replace with new wiring. The wiring is old anyways and has probably flexed tens of thousands of times
I think that the wires to one of the stepper motors are bad but how in the whole world can I replace the wires?
I put ferrules on wires going to stepper motor drivers. I did a test run and one of the motors had a mind of its own. I "swapped" stepper motor drivers. I did a test run and one of the motors had a mind of its own. I thought that stepper motors themselves don't go bad.
The stepper motor has eight wires coming out of it. Each pair of wires are joined into single wires, turning a 8-wire motor into a 4-wire motor. The label on the motor says: Eastern Air Devices LA34BJK-P500 5A/10A 1.8 deg I need some kind of wire tester that doesn't require me to cut the wire to measure continuity.
I mean it is old, but simplest test usually is either: First replace cable between controller and motor If that doesn't solve it, replace Motor Or just do both at the same time, fresh and will work, get this behind you and move on with new projects
Today, I tested a stepper motor from another CNC router and it worked. I connected new wires between “faulty” stepper motor and Arduino Uno board. I tested the “faulty” stepper motor and it worked!
Today, I finished wiring up the Spark Concepts CNC xPro V3 controller and got the machine working after I did test cuts.