I have an XY machine that is connected to the BlackBox X32, is there any way to incorporate a vision system I have to make needed adjustments to the G code I am trying to run. I would also like to add a "trigger" to replace a foot pedal that we currently use, I thought I would be able to use the analog signal output but it doesn't appear as if it would behave the same way as the foot pedal.
you can do that by attaching the vision system to a (PC/Mac) and programming that device to handle the vision inputs (and the trigger, and whatever else you need ), and then the PC sends Gcode commands to the blackbox as needed.
What would be the best way to then write to the black box. I am currently using the CONTROL software, can I easily write to that or is a different software required?
you would have to write your own 'control' unless your vision component can be written in javascript and added to CONTROL as a macro, or it might have to go even deeper and be added as part of the core functionality. I don't know how much vision stuff is available in the javascript/Electron world, I do know there are good libraraires in Python so bCNC might be a better starting point as it already supports using a webcam as an aiming device. https://github.com/vlachoudis/bCNC