How much did you spent ? I'm looking to build my own printer but I'm trying something that is cheaper first !
By the way, I really liked the design but since I'm really a noob reading all kinds of documentation about 3d printer and trying to get into this world will be ok for myself to build it? Do we have a step by step or it is really easy to do it, just need time and patience?? Thanks and Congrats it looks great. Jaspion3D
Jaspion3d, I am a noob too and I think it will be fairly easy build from the looks of it. It doesn't have to have any printed parts unless you want them as you can buy all of the extruded aluminum at the OpenBuilds store along with hardware, wheels and plates. I am starting my first build soon (a MendelMax 1.5) and if I would have seen this first I would have built this instead. Not as expensive as a MendelMax ( in my opinion ) and a lot easier. Since I have already purchased half the mechanicals I might as well continue on. PatrickB
I am no noob here but my i3 rework has been a lemon from day one and anyone who comes over to see it is stumped about its problem. After 1.5+ years and thousands upon thousands of hours of twiddling and buying upgrades I am done with this printer as it no longer prints. I spent 100 times more twiddling and trying to make it work than I ever did printing with it. So, how much would this cost for just the hardware (I will strip my i3 rework of everything I can) and no RP. How hard is this to level the bed? Really, I am just after a printer that lets me have fun and I can mod and tweak not spend my life banging on it to get it to work.
I'll put together an official BOM and get it posted as excel file or pdf. What's nice about it is that it's very easy to calibrate and level. All you need to do to square up the axes is loosen the z tower and/or the y-axis, then you can fit a square to it. Tighten and you're good to go. I use a MK2 bed on springs, and just do a typical leveling sequence on each corner. It will mesh better with the 40 mm x 40 mm V-slot vs 2"x2" so I'll set up the BOM for both choices.
I have a MK2B on this I3 Rework and I can say I detest, no despise, 4 corner leveling. 3 point is just so much easier to do from everything I have read. I can't get this to level to save my life and that is even with a Heat Spreader and 3mm Boro Glass. Get the four corners to be the same and the middle is poking up.
I think you can do 3 point leveling with the openbuilds build plate and Mk2, but I've never tried it.
The total cost for this build including electronics, motors, etc is $382, if you go with a leadscrew driven z-axis. If belt driven it'd come down to $355 or so. I've attached a more detailed BOM. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I missed something.
Nice. Will it need 3d parts? With this build what is the min and maximum resolution we can get? Thanks Jaspion3d
You may need printed parts for the motors and will need printed parts for the extruder and hotend holder. I need to redesign the Y mount for the 40 mm x 40mm V-slot. Also will need to redesign the z-axis motor mount to match up with the openbuilds leadscrew nut. I can get those done and posted within a week or so. The openbuilds plate has center holes that looks like they match up with the outer holes, depth wise. I know the outer holes match up to the MK2 so you should be able to do 3 point leveling with those. That is the only one I could find for $1.76 from them that is in your BOM. I read above that it didn't need printed parts as all could be purchased from the openbuilds store but if this needs printed parts I am done with my thoughts of having one as I can't print anymore and why I am looking to destroy my current printer and use the electronics in a new one.
Sorry, I didn't think about printed parts in the BOM. You can use their nema17 mounts I believe for X, Y, and probably Z. I'm not sure if they're z axis one will work with leadscrew nut, should with their carriage plates. If you use a large Nena17 for Y, it will probably stand taller than the 40 mm V-slot. Regardless, you will need printed parts for the extruder assembly. As far as printers go, this does uses very few printed parts.
It does but I think I may actually be done with 3d printers as I have painted myself into a corner. **** this pos i3 rework. Thank you for your help. edit: Actually I may not need to print the extruder if I somehow could get the i3 rework's Wades to work on it just long enough to print the extruder yours uses. As far as motor mounts I have no clue and I am not sure if anyone does. Oh, I just pulled the build plate up in Solidworks and the holes are 209mm ctc with one in the middle of each. That is precisely where the MK2/a/b/MK3 have them.
I also ran a few numbers through the reprap calculator and I am seriously thinking gt2 belts shouldn't even be used. For Y the C Beam actuator is perfect. For X I guess C Beam would work there too. Gt2 16t (my X/Y setup) is 100 steps to a mm but the TR8x2 is 1600 steps to a mm with both using 1/16 stepping. That is one hell of an increase and I can imagine how much finer the model would print. Do you think X could use a C beam actuator and what about Z? I already have M5 all threaded rods on my i3 rework so I know the motors are not meant for that setup but it works so a TR8x2 there would solve a lot of issues but the resolution would drop from 1/4000 to 1/1600 but for Z who cares when we are dealing in .1mm layer heights. Heck, even a .05mm layer height would be no problem with either as the resolution is just so fine. edit: I went back through the thread and see that Keith Davis used at least one C-Beam so it could be done for Z too which is where he used it that I could see.
The C-beam is cool and using those actuators would work great. I've always been satisfied with gt2 though and it gets the job done. I do recommend leadscrew for the z axis. At 3mm, the carriages would be too flimsy, even at 100% infill. If you printed them at 6-10 mm thickness then I think they'd be ok and flex would be negligible.
I know that we can't do some things because the resolution in X and Y is just not there and people have taken to doing 2:1 resolution enhancers and everyone that does it says they can see sharper edges and better holes. As far as printed parts goes I hate them. ABS, even 100% infill solid, bends and PLA is so rigid you need to build for it. Just not too happy with plastic for parts and 3mm would be, exactly as you said, just too flimsy. If anyone prints out a carriage don't do it in ABS is all I will say.