Serge E. submitted a new resource: Convert photos to pencil sketches, drawings or even paintings - Looking to convert photos to sketches to etch, burn or engrave ? These two tools will do the trick. Read more about this resource...
So, I am confused. Once the photo is converted to a "pencil drawing, how do you then convert it to G-code? The Fotosketcher doesn't do that does it? Thanks
That is correct. You then need a CAM software to convert the 'pencil drawings' to G-code. I have MeshCAM, not free. Then again, MeshCAM can handle images/photos directly. You might not have as much control over how it does it. But that's an advantage for some. You can also use an online, often free, vectorizer to convert the 'pencil drawings' to something which can then be fed to a free CAD/CAM, like SketchUp to further manipulate to your liking before converting to G-code, possibly with SketchUcam. I'll be running through the steps within next few weeks actually. I'll have to take notes and share when the time comes ...