I am in the initial design stage of my Ox clone...I am thinking that if I will be making a lots of wooden signs for starters, and, I am thinking most signs would be longer than taller, are there any advantages/disadvantages to making a 4X2 style as opposed to the more standard Ox? I havent settled on the exact software I will use, but how do you guys rout something wider than your standard Ox? Do you just rotate your drawing 90 degrees? Is it more difficult to get rigidity from a wider X axis? Plus I realize whichever way I go, I can reconfigure the system with a small vrail purchase! That is one of the things that makes the Ox system so cool!
Wider gantry beams tend to have more issues with deflection of the spindle especially if you are using a heavy spindle. This deflection can be reduced by using larger/heavier extrusions or by using reinforcing plates. Search through the CNC build section. There are several examples of the extended gantry beams along with discussions of the issues and the efforts toward resolution. The best option in dealing with parts longer than the machine is by using pin registration and toolpath tiling. Search youtube for "toolpath tiling" for a better idea of what is involved.
Duh on me...I can just swap the X and Y drives?!? Then I am still keeping the gantry beam short! (I saw one on youtube!
Still plotting...If I were to build, say a 3ft gantry, which would be stiffer, two 20x80 or one C-Beam? Price wise two 2080s are $40 and one cbeam is $28...just want to get some rails ordered and get started.. Thanks
Two 2080s fastened together will offer much more than a cbeam will provide. That only matters if what you're hanging off the front has a say.