Hello everyone, I’m trying to design a simple mechanism (actuated by a motor or solenoid) that would allow to engage/disengage the nut to a leadscrew in a linear actuator, allowing this way the gantry to slide unconstrained. Do you have any suggestion/references I can have a look at? Any practical advice? Thanks!
Hi Joe, Thanks for the reference, I think it could potentially work! All the applications I’ve found so far are either in an industrial context or lathe machines, however for my project I’m using an acme 8mm lead screw (ACME 8mm Lead Screws) and quite small linear actuator. Do you know if it’s possible to achieve such a mechanism with Openbuilds components or similar? Thank you!
Hey gorka, Is this for a 3D printer by any chance? I'm also seeking to do the same thing! Any luck since Nov?