Hey, Hoping I haven't messed up my cnc here. I've been trying to get to grips with the g-code for what we're needing, I had the router up and running the other day but it was in need of tinkering - setting the z axis depth and doing a full scale unit instead of the tiny one I ended up with. So I've been tinkering with it at the weekend, finally got it to where I can come in today and try it out, first line routing away fine... then I catch a wire, send my macbook and the PCU careening off the table putting a halt to the programme. Since then no movement. No idea what's came loose. I've opened up the PCU, everything is connected fine. Everything is attached and tight connected to the CNC XPro, all the motors wirings are fine. When I turn the CNC on the corresponding lights come on and the Xpro sounds up and the axis are locked into place awaiting UGS to tell them where to go. When it's turned off the corresponding lights flash on the Xpro depending which axis I move. But as soon as I run the G-code the motors disengage and I can move them freely by hand even though UGS says it's working steadily through the sequence. If anyone has any ideas on what I've done (more specifically than being a clumsy idiot) and how to sort it, it would be greatly appreciated. I'm running and Ooznest OX CNC 1500x1500, the g-code was generated on Makercam. Just tried it running another laptop, still no joy. The motor disengage while using the manual control on UGS too so I'm just about tearing my hair out. Thanks for your help.
I was thinking that, but it was recognising the port when it was plugged in. Going to see if I can pick one up tonight and shall let you know tomorrow how I get on. Thanks for the help
Hi, I am thinking maybe in the incident some of settings could of got wiped. Is $4 still set to 1? As this would show similar behavior. Ryan
I'll double check when I'm in tomorrow, I've bought a new cable too. It didn't take much of a knock but delicate things are delicate. I'm thinking a little desk for my laptop and the PCU is definitely needed for someone as clumsy as I am. I'll post the results of your and Joe's suggestions as soon as. Thanks for the help!
The price of the lesson is wasted if you're hosed because of that. I'm just getting into FPV drone racing. I expected crashes due to operator error and equipment failures and the costs associated prior to engaging in the sport. A realistic tuition so to speak. DIY CNC is no different, and from my experience it's unrealistic to not expect such to happen in any such situation. This especially holds true when employing others to do work for you. **** breaks. **** happens. Chalk up the costs, see the situation as adding value, and move forward together as a team.
We have movement! The fall seemed to have wiped all configurations so inputting them all back into UGS did the trick. Also bought the new cable which benefits being a bit longer than the original. Now onto many many practice runs until I have my bearings on all the settings. The help was much appreciated guys, wasn't even crossing my mind that the fall could do that. Have a good one!