I think it'll come in handy for some t-slot style clamps. And it was way way cheaper this way than the pre-made fixture plates I've seen online.
Thanks! I had lots of doubts about posting it because I hadn't shown it to anyone else, so it means a lot to be hearing good feedback from the OB community.
Very nice build, looks simple and efficient. I love when there is such a well detailed manual! Good luck for the contest Do you know approximately the cutting surface?
Thanks! If I remember right, it should be about 850mmx850mm in X and Y. Z has a 250mm travel, but that's going to depend on router size and placement and the thickness of the spoil board and material. I'll update the build with the specs once I know for sure.
I'm interested in doing a "subplate" base made from extrusions like you have done. Looks like you have ten 1x4 extrusions? I'm concerned about the flatness of the pieces next to each other. Have you measured the flatness?
I ran a dial indicator down the length and it's not like MIC-6 tooling plate, but when you add a spoilboard and face it, it'll be as flat as you're willing to spend the time to calibrate. I believe it was within .002" or better with bare metal when I measured it, but my machine is also on top of a cheap plywood workbench, so I'm assuming that introduced some inconsistency.
Hello. I am rebuilding my gantry plates and was wondering what was the purpose of the 4 shafts in the assembly? Do they help with rigidity? Its the first time i have seen something like that. This is my build. My 1st C-Beam CNC
Sorry, I'm not really sure what 4 shafts you're referring to. Are you talking about the 20x80s on the front and back? Your machine looks good, though. If I had a more reliable and permanent surface to build mine on, I probably would have skipped those 2, but I wasn't exactly sure where my machine would live, so I wanted it to be semi portable if necessary.
Your build pictures shows 4 shafts (representing M5 bolts) support the wheels, and 4 additional shafts. I am curious what the effect of these are? Where they put in place to deal with something specific or just add rigidity? I have not seen this in other gantry assemblies. The reason I ask, other than rebuilding my gantry plates, is that I am upgrading to a 2.2kw WC spindle so am doing a lot of thinking about gantry options. Thus am curious as to the effect of these addition supports. Thank you!
Oh, ok. I understand now. They attach the gantry assemblies to the vertical C-Beams with tee nuts. I don't know what they're like without them, but they are extremely rigid assemblies with the spacers installed.