Hello all Im new to laser stuff but im stuck on how to connect a 12v 2.5w laser module with pwm capability on the xpro controller, this laser module is mounted in the Z axis of my sphinx machine 24v power supply but cant figure how to wire it, the laser is 12v forgive the rookie
I am equally interested in this. I just purchased my Sphinx and very keen to have a laser capability. Thanks much
Buy this MOSFET, N-Channel https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CHTLAIS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ill help to wire it up
@pedrofernandez - thanks for your willingness to assist. I have a few of these lying around in my electronics parts bin. Would love to see your suggestion. Thanks While I am on this laser topic, one of my goals is to use laser to engrave/cut/prototype PCBs. I understand 2.5W will not do it and found that there are a few 15W laser on ebay. Has anyone here in this forum tried these in your projects. I am new to OpenBuilds and this forum.
A 15w Diode? for that price? looks like a 1.5w instead but good luck on that purchase,,, i;; post an image
that is for a cheap 89$ diode 2.5w, the Source pin to Ground on the Xpro card the Drain pin to the negative cable of the laser module the Gate to D11 on the on the Xpro card and a 12 or 24 DC to the laser module from the Power Supply "negative is common"