hello openbiulds I'm having issues on a sphinx cnc built that I'm currently working on. I have wired up a xpro-v3 to 4 dq542ma controllers and was able to get movement on all 3 axis but I have realized that I am not getting the correct travel on each axis for example, I jog the motor 100 mm and only travels 20 mm. This is the same on all axis's. I'm wondering if this is something i wired incorrectly or if its related to settings. please advise on what i should do. i'm currently using recommend setting form sphinx 55 tutorial video with modified dimensions
What do you have entered in GRBL for your $100, 101, and 102? You should start with these if you have your xpro set for 1/8 microstepping: $100=199.100 (x, step/mm) $101=199.100 (y, step/mm) $102=199.100 (z, step/mm) Form the SPhinx build page:
Those are the exact values I have for my steps per millimeter Should I increase the values. Also the machine is traveling slow this may be associated to the problem?
I have the dq542ma set at 1600 with the dip switch’s and I have 199.100 for $100,$101,$102 is there anything eles I need to do to have 1/8 stepping?
Is there possibly something on the xpro that needs changing when using external drivers? I have never seen or used one. I just use an Arduino board with my DQ542MA drivers.
In order for me to get the proper travel On the CNC I had to set steps/mm at 999.1 is this the correct method of fixing the issue or will it cause problems?
Did you buy the Sphinx as a kit, or are the drive screws perhaps only moving the nut 2mm per rotation vs 8mm of the kit screws? That would cause your machine to only go 25% the distance you tell it to and it would be much slower. Those GRBL settings were for the Tr8*8-2p (4 starts) screws.
Is the machine also moving faster? If you had a different type of lead screw (as I mentioned above), than this would be the way to fix it. Although if it was a 2mm pitch it should be around 800 steps/mm. However, you may want to experiment with the acceleration settings. I wish I knew more about the xpro with external steppers so I could be of more assistance.
I ordered all parts form openbiulds so yes I’m using tr8*8-2p Is there a different method of controlling the cnc Without the use of an xpro I am runing hi torque NEMA 23 and would like to still us the dq542ma Drivers
I would wait for someone more knowledgeable than me with regards to the Xpro to chime in, or reach out to the Xpro customer service. I did just find this Hooking Up External Drivers to the CNC xPRO V3 I know people have successfully used it to drive external steppers. If you do decide to go the Arduino path, this is the GRBL pin layout for Arduino. gnea/grbl I used an arduino board, and to make it a little easier to connect everything, I added an arduino screw shield and attached a couple more screw terminals for XYZ 5v enable/disabler and ground. I used these diagrams from the original sphinx build by Kyo. Kyo used an arduino nano with a rasberry Pi. I just used an arduino with a screw shield and connected it to my computer to send the gcode. Also, this is a great resource. UNO GRBL DQ542MA Wiring Methods Here is what I did with the shield. However, since this photo, GRBL has swapped the Z imit and spindle enable pins.
This was from the end of the Xpro document and maybe has something to do with your problem ***Edit. Disregard this. I thought this had something to do with the xpro but it is for the external drivers. I wonder if the Xpro has to have the jumpers for each axis set to Full steps for external drivers?
These are the settings I have for The X pro and the drivers dip switches and the method I use in connecting these drivers this is a sphinx build Maybe there is something that I’ve overlooked when setting up the machine
is there a chance your dip switches are inadvertently set to off off on on (vs. on on off off) which is 8000 pulses per step (8000 pulses/200 steps =1/40 microstepping) whereas the Sphinx is set up at 1600/200=8 or 1/8 microstepping? You are off by 1/5 of what you are expecting. The drivers are not easily read which lead me to make a similar error on my laser build.
That is great to hear. I was trying to figure out how it could be off by the 1/5 ratio. That was the first time I had seen it.