v1.0.156 or later will have a time indicator here: also, i circled the little progress bar thats been there unnoticed since August last year (; 1.0.37 - added progressbar · OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers@292b341
Yup, I'm aware of it. Kinda hard to square time vs "quarter of the way through " or qeue of 130097 to go. Just a thought. If it's a pain in the neck no worries . Beggars can't be choosers.
Oh and also in v1.0.156: Keyboard Jogging/Shortcuts And [BETA] of Continuous Jogging (@David the swarfer I think you were waiting for this)
just wondering if there’s any plans to increase the functionality of the jog widget on openbuilds control. I use the widget on my iPad for setting the zero points while keeping my pc in the next room, out of the dust. It would be awesome to control the probes, start, stop, home all etc... all from the widget if possible. I know the canned response would be get another computer but that’s not in the cards right now. Thanks and keep up the good work.
@Sounddog I've opened up a feature request for you here: Add more functionality to jog widget · Issue #71 · OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers Peter will be the one to make a decision on it. I totally understand about not being able to spend any money on another computer. But if you reconsider that, note that you dont need much. I have had success with a raspberry pi and Peter has used these inexpensive 10" 1280x768 Pipo X10. There's more discussion about this around page 12 of this thread.
I just thought of something. What happens if you go to http://<ipaddress of your computer>:3000 (without /jog) on your ipad? Edit: If that doesnt work as expected, is there a remote desktop app for the iPad that would allow you to remote control your computer?
Hello, thank you for adding keyboard bindings. One quick question though..how do I close the Alarm1 modal window? My binding for unlock alarm doesn't work if that window is open.
v1.0.157 fixes the bugs introduced with the Keyboard Jogging (that broke the mobile interface) For now, I won't be adding the extra control buttons, but will revisit the UI in the future, could use a refresh when time allows Updated the DRO block with the newer version from the main application though:
OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers now has a .deb build too [edit]v1.0.157 is out though (has deb too)[/edit]
Never though of using a remote desktop, so i checked it out and it works. Somethings can be a little rough with the touch screen on the Ipad but I can finally home all and Z-probe at the machine using the Ipad. Thanks guys
v1.0.159 or later adds the Z probe (simplified GUI without the illustration) to the mobile Jog: And got an overall UI cleanup a little
The z probe dialog is great, but how many times does someones plate thickness change? I'd really like to be able to add a keyboard shortcut for the probe (so I can add a button on the machine). Maybe a solution is to add the ability to add a keyboard shortcut to the macros. But then I suppose you'd have to have a verification function to make sure they havent assigned the shortcut to something else. Hmmmm.
Plate thickness, not all that often, but having it visible all the time is just easier (and it remembers your last input) than having a configuration etc etc I'll give your unique use-case some thought and get back to you Keyboard Macros, I was thinking about it too, but that does get tricky. For now, i'm gonna say no
In v1.0.159 I've added RESET buttons to quickly revert to 100% feed/spindle Let me know if it causes any issues
Pardon the noob questions. I'm not sure exactly where to post this. I'm getting closer on my build and I was installing the 2 "y" axis lead screws and stepper motors. Soon I will probably be installing the "black box" controller with this control software. My question what keeps the 2 motors from going out of sync when they are first powered up? On my rc servos motors when they get powered up they "center" them self's. Will the stepper motors just turn on and sit? Do you use this software to square up the gantry, as in shifting either the y or a axis? Thanks
The stiffness of the frame ensures squareness, the two motors are free spinning when powered off, although they wont overcome the friction of a leadscrew just sitting there either, so will stay square
You need to square up the gantry with the motors off. Once under power, they will sit there until you send movement to them. They will stay in sync unless you hit something. I periodically check them even without running into anything.
The two Steppers stay in sync due to your setting of the "Steps". Once you define the number of steps and their size, then the two motors will receive the same instructions and move the same amount.
I installed the control software on my fairly new laptop and it gave me an error upon opening. i was wondering if the program will open even if it isn't connected to the controller? Fyi, here is the error message I'm getting when i try to open the program. Also, i prior to installing / running i updated my laptop as well as "java". Thanks
Will check today when i get to work. For now, grab older version from github.com/OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers/releases
Fixed in v1.0.162: OpenBuilds/SW-Machine-Drivers You can update from within control (It will prompt you next time you run it, check the Serial Log tab) or manually from the link above
I also get the Java error with .161. I installed 1.0.158 installed and it opened Then I installed the .162 update and restarted the computer, and opened Control and got the same Java script error that I had with .161 version. So........I don't know where to go from here, except back to v.158. Thanks, this is the first time I have posted on the forum. By the way, I love the BlackBox controller!