Tool call = T13 in your code. Its saying "Use tool number 13". That's not supported. You need to post in metric. That's another issue you're going to have with the post you are using. Its in imperial. Your model can be imperial but the gcode has to be converted to metric. In the post dialog box that pops up, change the units to metric (lower right).
Here is the latest & greatest! what about the tool though? Is that something I need to change in fusion or the gcode?
Now that you are using the correct post, it wont output a tool call. That's the one of the reasons to use that post
Okay. I have finally got a chance to try the machine out with my design. The version I had loaded was 1/2 the size I thought and I had to change it. But there are some issues. #1 the route is always backwards. The image on the screen is correct, but it routes a reverse image. I have tried recreating twice to make sure it was not something I inadvertently did, (although I am sure that I am just not seeing what it is that I did wrong). #2 the board is square to the machine, but it starts on the XY axis way too high and subsequent routes progressively taper to the back of the machine. #3 I have checked my table and it is built exactly as it should be, but I find the left side is 3/16" lower than the right. I can probably just fix that with shims. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.
#1 Sound like maybe you dont have your "Step direction invert" settings right. Is $3 in grbl. To verify, when you jog X+ does it move the left? When you job Y+ does it move away from you? #2 Not sure I really understand what you mean. Are you saying your spoilboard is lower higher in the front than it is in the back? Pictures/video would be helpful so we can see the issue. #3 I dont see where you've ever told us what machine you have. Pictures/video would be helpful so we can see the issue. Regarding 1/2 the size, did you calibrate your steps/mm after you built the machine? In case you arent aware what this is, it important that grbl knows how many steps/mm it should send. If it sends too little steps, then things will come out smaller than they should be. If you're using OpenBuilds Control, there are wizards for this in the Wizards& Tools menu. If not, then look for something in the software you are using or do it this way: HOWTO Calibrate your CNC Machine for MACH3 or GRBL
I have the Cbeam #1 what I meant was a mirror image #2 the spoiler is higher on the right than it is on the left #3 I think I just got the sizing wrong, but from the photos you can see that on the left it is right at the edge of the board and on the right it is considerably further back. I took a photo of my screen and how it mirrored it on the board. I also showed the difference in height- left and right
You are getting mirroring because your "Step direction invert" setting is wrong. Looks like you need to invert Y? I'm not too familiar with how the C-Beam is built. And to be honest I'm not sure I even understand what you are trying to describe (I'm putting this on me, not you). Hopefully someone more familiar with these machines can chime in here (@Mark Carew maybe).
Did you mean the invert on the openbuilds controller? I did invert it because is was stepping backwards via the controls tapped on the program. is Y axis supposed to be -, (down), is the front or back of the machine? I still don't see why it would mirror the image. It is almost like it is tracing from the bottom.
Lets make sure we are on the same page here. Movement is relative to the spindle, not the table. For X, its pretty easy to understand since your spindle is moving. For Y, it can confuse people because the table is moving, not the spindle. So, to get your spindle towards the front of the workpiece (a Y- move), your table needs to move towards the back of the machine. When you press Y- in control, it should move your table towards the back. If your machine is doing the opposite, you will get a mirrored image in Y.
Did you load the c beam suggested grbl settings? From the cbeam page: C-Beam Machine GRBL Settings - This information can also be used to set up other firmware as well $0=10 (step pulse, usec) $1=255 (step idle delay, msec) $2=0 (step port invert mask:00000000) $3=6 (dir port invert mask:00000110) $4=1 (step enable invert, bool)(Board V1, V2, V3 Matte = $4=0 - Glossy board V3 = $4=1) $5=0 (limit pins invert, bool) $6=0 (probe pin invert, bool) $10=3 (status report mask:00000011) $11=0.020 (junction deviation, mm) $12=0.002 (arc tolerance, mm) $13=0 (report inches, bool) $14=1 (auto start, bool) $20=0 (soft limits, bool) $21=0 (hard limits, bool) $22=0 (homing cycle, bool) $23=0 (homing dir invert mask:00000000) $24=2000.000 (homing feed, mm/min) $25=1000.000 (homing seek, mm/min) $26=250 (homing debounce, msec) $27=1.000 (homing pull-off, mm) $100=199.100 (x, step/mm) $101=199.100 (y, step/mm) $102=199.100 (z, step/mm) $110=1000.000 (x max rate, mm/min) $111=1000.000 (y max rate, mm/min) $112=1000.000 (z max rate, mm/min) $120=100.000 (x accel, mm/sec^2) $121=100.000 (y accel, mm/sec^2) $122=100.000 (z accel, mm/sec^2) $130=270.000 (x max travel, mm) $131=270.000 (y max travel, mm) $132=80.000 (z max travel, mm)
Key Parameter Value Utility $0 Step pulse time, microseconds µs $1 Step idle delay, milliseconds ms $2 Step pulse invert $3 Step direction invert Invert X Direction Invert Y Direction Invert Z Direction $4 Invert step enable pin $5 Invert limit pins $6 Invert probe pin $10 Status report options $11 Junction deviation, millimeters mm $12 Arc tolerance, millimeters mm $13 Report in inches $20 Soft limits enable (Enable and Save Homing first before enabling) $21 Hard limits enable $22 Homing cycle enable $23 Homing direction invert $24 Homing locate feed rate, mm/min mm/min $25 Homing search seek rate, mm/min mm/min $26 Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds ms $27 Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters mm $30 Maximum spindle speed, RPM RPM $31 Minimum spindle speed, RPM RPM $32 Laser-mode enable $100 X-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $101 Y-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $102 Z-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $110 X-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $111 Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $112 Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $120 X-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $121 Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $122 Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $130 X-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm $131 Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm $132 Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm
Does this look right? $0Step pulse time, microseconds µs $1Step idle delay, milliseconds ms $2Step pulse invert$3Step direction invertInvert X Direction Invert Y Direction Invert Z Direction$4Invert step enable pin$5Invert limit pins$6Invert probe pin$10Status report options$11Junction deviation, millimeters mm $12Arc tolerance, millimeters mm $13Report in inches$20Soft limits enable (Enable and Save Homing first before enabling)$21Hard limits enable$22Homing cycle enable$23Homing direction invert$24Homing locate feed rate, mm/min mm/min $25Homing search seek rate, mm/min mm/min $26Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds ms $27Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters mm $30Maximum spindle speed, RPM RPM $31Minimum spindle speed, RPM RPM $32Laser-mode enable$100X-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $101Y-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $102Z-axis steps per millimeter steps/mm $110X-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $111Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $112Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min mm/min $120X-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $121Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $122Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec2 mm/sec² $130X-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm $131Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm $132Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters mm
You havent supplied us with any values. The only thing that's listed there are the variable names, but not what the values are. We need to see the values. You have this: $0Step pulse time, microseconds We need this: $0=<some value>
$0 Step pulse time, 10 microseconds µs $1 Step idle delay,255 milliseconds ms $2 Step pulse invert $3 Step direction invert Invert X Direction Invert Y Direction Invert Z Direction $4 Invert step enable pin $5 Invert limit pins $6 Invert probe pin $10 Status report options $11 Junction deviation, .020 millimeters mm $12 Arc tolerance, .020 millimeters mm $13 Report in inches $20 Soft limits enable (Enable and Save Homing first before enabling) $21 Hard limits enable $22 Homing cycle enable $23 Homing direction invert $24 Homing locate feed rate, 2000 mm/min mm/min $25 Homing search seek rate, 1000 mm/min mm/min $26 Homing switch debounce delay, 250 milliseconds ms $27 Homing switch pull-off distance, 5 millimeters mm $30 Maximum spindle speed, 1000 RPM RPM $31 Minimum spindle speed, 0 RPM RPM $32 Laser-mode enable $100 X-axis steps per 199.100 millimeter steps/mm $101 Y-axis steps per 199.100 millimeter steps/mm $102 Z-axis steps per 199.100 millimeter steps/mm $110 X-axis maximum rate,1000 mm/min mm/min $111 Y-axis maximum rate, 1000 mm/min mm/min $112 Z-axis maximum rate,1000 mm/min mm/min $120 X-axis acceleration, 100 mm/sec2 mm/sec² $121 Y-axis acceleration,100 mm/sec2 mm/sec² $122 Z-axis acceleration,100 mm/sec2 mm/sec² $130 X-axis maximum travel,270 millimeters mm $131 Y-axis maximum travel, 270 millimeters mm $132 Z-axis maximum travel, 80 millimeters mm
Getting close. Tell us what $3 is set to. As Giarc has posted above, it should be set to 6 As a matter of fact, this would be a lot easier if you just compare the settings he has given you with what your settings are. The format you are pasting into the responses are incomplete and really hard to read.
The settings I posted are what the C-beam page recommends as a starting point. You may have to further calibrate each axis. If you want a better understanding of what those settings do, read this: gnea/grbl I recommend anyone that uses a GRBL based system to read the entire wiki because it will answer most questions anyone may have and lead to a better understanding of how things work. gnea/grbl