Can someone give me the rundown on how to go back to a previous version? I was on github but it’s not giving me anything to download. Software is giving me a ton of trouble, wanna try an older version and see if the problem goes away,
Removing 168 from releases. And will be releasing v1.0.169 OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL 1.0.168 allowed more than 2gb of RAM to be used if needed by the 3D viewer. What's odd is that some PCs then bog down even before gcode is loaded. Not a major propertion, like +-10 out of 700+ installs. I don't want to weigh you guys down with trying to find whats specifically on the affected PCs that different from the testing machines and other couple hundred that work, so for now I've rolled back so it can only use the default RAM management. Will look into it from a different approach when I get some time again. For now though, 1.0.169 is awesome! 1.0.169 still retains the better UI for the 3D viewer, the enhanced Grbl Flashing Tool, Inch Mode and then adds in the Time Estimate mentioned above. Please update to 1.0.169 if you had issues with 1.0.168
I was running a job when I accidentally hit the x axis limit switch with a cord I was moving. After clearing the alarm I cancelled the job because I wasn't sure what it would do. Does it pick right back up from that spot if you hit run job again or will bring it back to zero, zero and start all over again? I'm really wondering how to continue from where I left off after an alarm if that's possible.
hello again, I draw .dxf files every day at work for decades for water jet, laser cutting, tooling for my press brake etc. why cant i get the simplest .dxf to import into ob-cam without errors or flipping shapes around and sometimes get lines and features that i deleted or from layers that i deleted.And nothing (i am using mm) comes in even close to size. using Auto cad Mechanical 2019.i have not gotten some memo or something. thanks
There's are several posts in the OB CAM thread that will probably help you out. OpenBuilds CAM Software I wont pretend to know much about either, but maybe these will help Problem loading DXF into CAM OpenBuilds CAM - unable to open a .dxf file
1) re establish zero (the abrupt stop caused the machine to loose position, therefore it alarms) 2) restart the job
The DXF format has many many variants For the open source parser we rely on you want DXF R12 Polylines Other tips: convert splines to polylines (typically with the Explode command in most cams) Ensure all entities are joined into a closed path, and is a polyline Save-as R12 format. Some of R14 is understood too, but safest is R12. Polylines are also the best entity type to use. More tips:From CAD to CAM, Cleaning up 2D DWG files for CNC.
Depends on your skill level, if you are somewhat familiar with gcode, you can slice out whats been done on the gcode editor. But keep all modal and headers gcodes appropriately intact.
While using the latest, i cannot get it to pick up any COM port besides COM1... and I'm using Com2TCP to access a Protoneer set up for my CNC/Laser set up.. Is there any way to solve this problem? Thanks!
Our backend sees whatever ports the windows API exposes to us. Its done for us, by the OS. Ie drivers, virtual devices etc appropriately in place on the OS layer
A couple items: On a Mac when opening the serial port list fo connect, I can not see the full names in the list, the right side it cut off until I select one of the longer names then the list box expands. It would be nice if the "stop" button was larger if needing to "quick" stop the project without having to do a power off. Also, a version to run on a Raspberry PI with either the 7" touch screen or a full size hdmi monitor attached.
Setup the Keybindings instead, even quicker to his Escape or some other easy to reach keyboard button. Of course a hardwired E-Stop is even better, cutting power the the machine for real emergencies Waiting for Electron team to address an issue thats currently breaks the old instructions: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL - the instructions at this time does not work, but yeah, in general it is a thing. Will be working again once an upstream issue is addressed. Will see what I can do, just got a little Macbook Air 11" myself as testing for Mac is hard without one in hand... So Mac experience should improve over the coming months Well, on Windows/Linux Ctrl+C = copy: Select, then copy, however thats done on Mac
Deleted items to keep this one short, thank you for the responses to the other items. I tried the various Mac methods, I can "mark the text, but when I either use the keyboard with "Command-V" the buffer doesn't populate with what was just "marked", or if I use "control-right click" the menu to snap the text doesn't appear. Maybe a drop-down menu to save the serial console could be implemented? Saves from dealing with the various OS mark/copy methods?
Isnt command+v paste? command+c should be copy... We dont, nor do we have to... That part is all native
correct, I gave the wrong keycode in my reply... I mark the text, do a command-C, go to another window, email, open vi session or such, hit command-V and the just selected text isn't copied
Hi I'm trying to out think the control software to make it "Doug the idiot" proof (G). I'm trying to take a push panic button and use it as a kill switch. My original thought which I just tested out was to connect it to the "Door" input on the Blackbox as a "normally open" switch. When a jog or program is running and I press the switch, it will stop the job. I'm assuming since it is connected via the door input that it is putting the program into a "hold" situation as mentioned in the manual. My issue is trying to get the program to run again upon releasing the switch back into the "normally open" configuration. One thing I did notice and might be my issue is on the trouble shooting page of the control sw, the "door sensor" toggle doesn't change from off, however under "buttons" the "hold off" changes to "hold on" and when I release the switch it will change back to "hold off" but as stated I can't get the program to start back up. So my question is how is the door configuration really working and how to get it back into a run situation? My second option is just connect this switch in parallel with one of the micro limit switches just to stop the program all together. Thanks for any input Doug
I cant say that I've done this myself, but I was under the impression that merely "shutting the door" isnt enough. You also need to hit run again and it would start where it left off. Again, I cant say for sure, but you didnt mention this so I thought I'd throw it out there. Peter-the-all-knowing will chime in if I'm wrong. Edit: I assume this because this is how the HAAS machines I've used worked. Edit 2: I was just reading the grbl wiki and it appears that I'm wrong. Looks like the default autostart is 4 seconds. I'm not sure if that's changed in custom grbl that OB Control flashes.
So, basically, if com2tcp doesn't expose COM7 to the windows API properly, it the software can't read it. Wonder why other apps can see it?
Sharmstr, you were correct and apparently the way I was thinking it should work was wrong. If I hit the sw it will pause the job, but won't turn off the spindle. When I release the sw, I do have to hit the run icon to restart the job. I am able to hit the stop job as well if needed. The biggest thing for using this SW, is if I do something wrong like not re zeroing an axis or such. I realize this isnt what it was ment to do but while I'm learning it is easier to hit this button then try to get the mouse over the stop icon. Thank you for the insite.
Wait, googled com2tcp. Is it this Null-modem emulator - Browse /com2tcp/ at Last update 2007?!?!
Refer to the grbl docs: In particular, the section of the config file here (line 171 onwards) gnea/grbl To me, a panic / emergency stop should never be only in software / dependant on software. If its a physical button the only acceptable button is in line with the mains power. Cut power to everything. The nature of an emergency can be anything. Lost comms (software wont know about a button press), hung firmware (wont do anything when door pin changes state), router caught fire, hand caught in machine, motors running away. So many what ifs that the real button action you want is "kill all power"
yeah.. it's a working work-around for when you use a protoneer set up with a CNC/Laser set up, which i'm using right now. Tho that said, I probably should move on from that LOL.. get something that works better hah
Perhaps i should explain more what i'm doing. I'm accessing the RPI/Protoneer set up over the network here. so I have, on the PI, a command that exposes the serial port to a TCP/IP connection. From there, i can access it from any device on my network if it can convert the commands over TCP. hence, why i'm using com2tcp on my windows machine (I can just use socat on the linux box, and it works fine, even with this softare. Windows is the only software that i CANT get this to work on)
Maybe just use something more modern than tcp2com that does work on Windows of today. Its up to you to try a few, this isnt one of our official/recommended solutions. Good luck
Hello, I did some some digging around last night and found this buried on git hub (disclaimer: I've never used the COM2TCP app so have no idea if this will really work) Raggles/com0com Q. I need to use com0com ports with an application that doesn't recognize com0com ports as "real" com ports. It does not see a com0com port even though I have changed it's name to COMx. Is there a com0com settings that will make the port appear to be a "real" com port? A. Yes, it is. You should put the port to the Ports class, for example: 1. Launch the Setup Command Prompt shortcut. 2. Install the pair of ports, were one of them has name COM#, for example: command> install PortName=COM# - The app source has been updated from Source Forge for Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 and can be compiled if you are coding/developer inclined. Raggles/com0com Cheers Adam