Hi, I've been using this software for a couple of months now and I love it. But, I do have one question. I use an old cell phone as a pendant and it works great, but it seems to be stuck in inch mode and doesn't revert back to mm when I change the tab on the PC. Has anyone noticed this or is this just something on my end?
I just tested and my jog widget defaulted to inch mode (I remember the main app doing that as well when inch mode was first implemented) even though my main app is in MM. Might just be an oversight that the jog widget wasnt updated with the ability to change views and update view mode when changed in the main app. I've opened a ticket here: No way to change mm/in views in jog widget · Issue #85 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL
Thanks for the kind words! It always makes the work seem so much more worthwhile! Hope you don't mind, if I steal it for the Reviews section on OpenBuilds Software - FREE Software for CNC Control: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM
My HP Workstation Z220 computer has Intel I7 3770 CPU, 8 GB system memory, and GeForce GT 720 video card. Due to a small PSU, I can't install more powerful video cards.
I don't know if this is the right place to comment on OpenBuilds CONTROL, but I have a safety issue with the software. I appreciate the changes in the latest update. I like having the Save button in the GCODE Editor. First problem (Safety issue): When in the Add or edit Macros tab, moving the curser with the keyboard arrows moves the machine. I may be missing the point, but in my mind for safety, the keyboard moves should be locked out when the curser is focused in any input window. Second problem: When the machine is stopped and you vacuum some of the dust, if you hit one of the limit switches by mistake, sometimes the Serial Console reports access denied. There is no way, short of rebooting the machine, to get out of the access denied mode. Third a request: Prior to buying my first BlackBox and using OpenBuilds CONTROL , I was using the USG controller. The GUI for the USG had a box to input the exact distance you wish to move the X & Y jogs. The 4 canned incremental jog distances in OpenBuilds CONTROL are nice in most moves, but it would also be convenient to have a box to input a custom distance for a jog move, instead of having to make several selections of the canned moves to travel a specific distance. The canned distances for the Z-axis jogs are acceptable, but a custom box for a Z-axis jog would not be frowned upon. Forth a picky request: Would it be posible to have the Port connection box default to the last port selected, instead of Serial Port COM1? The OpenBuilds CONTROL is a very nice controller, thanks for all your dedicated work. Regards, TbirdGlenn
You are on the latest correct? 1.0.174? Pretty sure keybindings in macro editor was fixed a while back
Access Denied comes from the operaring system. There seems to be a wiring fault. You hit switch, shorting 5v to gnd. Controller goes dead for a few seconds. Windows looses the port. Power short clears. Windows cannot reunerate port as it hasnt closed yet. Check your switch wiring against docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox Suspect you have v+ wired to a dumb limit. For those use 2 wire wiring, pullups are onboard
The file causing "Not Responding" problem is on the computer at the program for mentally-handicapped people so I can't upload it until Monday.
I was using ver 1.0.173. I just upgraded to ver 1.0.174 and I get the same results. When in the macro editor, hitting the up, down, or left arrow moves the machine the amount selected in the incremental jog. The right arrow does not move the machine and the space bar does not run the gcode file.
Continuous Jogging does not allow moving a specific distance. The laptop does not have a legacy comport and the bios does not have the option to disable a legacy comport.
Any reason this shouldn’t compile on a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B? I’ve followed the steps precicesly here: OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL I do get some unverified package warnings which I force install using the --allow-unauthorized flag. Also, npm doesn’t seem to be getting installed in the nodejs step. I’ve verified that nodejs 8.x gets installed, but npm doesn’t. Using the latest Raspbian Stretch with Desktop image: Download Raspbian for Raspberry Pi Let me know if I can include any logs to help.
Hello, I am using a smoothieboard, I see that there is no more support for it? I am sure there are many more users that have smoothieboards. thanks for all the excellent work on the software
RPI is not officially supported, therefore this nice warning at the top of the Wiki: "Instructions below are provided as-is and expects the user to be fluent in Linux, Electron, NodeJS and Git commands. No support or assistance will be provided, this instructions is for those who want to venture where there is no support. You are on your own! Have fun!" The steps worked for me when I tried, thats all I can vouch for. Google some of the errors, work the problem speak to your Linux geek in the basement (;
We only get the list of ports from the OS, so if you cant disable it in Hardware, disable it in Device manager.
I love the new jog feature. You can turn your jog feed down and do corrective milling with this for a quick fix.
Hi Jeff Yeah thats tiny GCODE! Should not be the reason for the hangs at all! Its only using about 29mb of video RAM (very little) to render So, time to see when it happens whats going on on the PC. If you run Task manager, and click on the Processes Tab -> More Details, find the OpenBuildsCONTROL process. Check what the CPU/RAM/DISK stats are when it flakes out. Also sort those colums by each in turn, and see if theres maybe some other software running on your machine that eats the performance