Hi Team, I have built a 3m x 1.5m x 0.4m beefed up OX cnc router (by beefed up I mean using 2080 with larger gantry plates and lots of supports and bracing). I am using the belt and pinion system with GT2-2mm belt for my x and y axis with the double belt set up. My issue is I am getting lots of belt stretch along my long axis and a smaller amount but still too much along my shorter axis. Is there a trick to setting up the double belt system? Mine don't seem to mesh at all and it seems pointless to have two in there with the way I have done it. I get the theory behind it and I think its a good idea but I just need the top to mesh with the bottom for it to work. I have tried spacing the bottom up a little with a 2mm thick double sided tape, that made the belts mesh slightly better but it can still stretch and overcome the mesh. Next step is to replace with GT3-3mm pitch belt but I would rather sort this with what I have got. Any ideas???
The sooner you give up on the GT2 belts the sooner your misery will end. Not saying that GT3 belts are the be-all-end-all as far as belts go but the teeth have sufficient depth to do at least a little meshing where there is veritably none on the GT2 belts.
For as far as you're stretching, definitely dual belts. Finding the right amount of backer to get the belts to mesh is also extremely important.
You'll need to test that. I believe around 0.45mm is best but it is a hard thickness to achieve. (Please understand that it's been a while since I looked at this.)